Amsoil engine flush?

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Sep 12, 2002
Is Amsoil engine flush any good?

My 302 V8 has a lot of varnish and sludge that I want to get rid of.
It will not touch varnish.

It will flush loose sludge.

It is not harmful when used as directed. I have even used it in sludged Toyotas and nothing nasty happened other than upon draining, gobs of mayonaisey diahrea plopped out.

It is a product you idle with only. No driving, so really it won't clean long time hard stuff.
Congratulations are deserved as honest as it gets. If anyone is interested in buying oil this
gentleman is someone you should consider spending your money with.
Pablo Rocks!
gee thanks guys - I do dig this site pretty much, so maybe the credit goes to

I thought at least the d word and mayo plopping out would get some laughs -
- but really if anyone had a REAL scungy engine I don't just say "flush and go"...

Originally posted by metroplex:
Is Amsoil engine flush any good?

My 302 V8 has a lot of varnish and sludge that I want to get rid of.

As of now I've been recommending Auto-RX for my customers that are switching to Amsoil. I even bought a case to sell locally.

Of coarse this makes my sell harder(it takes a while for the customer to even get to put amsoil in as they will be using a conventional for the Auto-RX portion. But I feel for customers with higher milege engines, it is in their best interst to get the engine as clean as possible, and that just won't happen with the Amsoil engine flush in 15-20 minutes of idling.

If you are really interested in getting your engine clean, do the auto-rx first.
I still have a can of Amsoil engine flush in my garage. I bought it when I started to use Amsoil a while back but I never used it because of all the stuff I heard about engine flushes.

Now that I have cleaned my engine pretty good with Auto-RX, can I use that Amsoil engine flush right before my next oil change, idling a engine a few minutes?

Originally posted by Mystic:
I still have a can of Amsoil engine flush in my garage. Now that I have cleaned my engine pretty good with Auto-RX, can I use that Amsoil engine flush right before my next oil change, idling a engine a few minutes?

6 days and no reply! Well, post, email or PM me because I have the same question. I am planning on using A-RX but have some Amsoil stuff from before hearing of BITOG or A-RX. After a needlessly grand use of A-RX I would LIKE to use the Amsoil, what goes in and what comes out I'd be prepared to photograph, same jar with rinsing in between. I'd be a bit stunned if there was minimal difference, but if there was in fact minimal difference, I'd buy stock in A-RX before posting the results!
I would say the Amsoil flush will help flush the old oil out. Follow the instructions. Allow it to drain out for a long time. Overnite is good if possible (put the plug back in so mice won't climb in
)...then let the leavin's at the plug drain in the AM. This following AutoRx will have you set up for a nice clean oil interval!

Again don't expect miracle surface cleaning with Amsoil engine flush.
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