Almost hit a Pedestrian on a bicycle

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Originally Posted by JamesBond
What kind of dashcam do you have? Does it work well at night?

I have the street guardian SG9663DC. I was going to get the single cam version rather than the dual cam but I was sent a used single cam version which was already broken from Amazon rather than the a new one from Amazon. I contacted Street Guardian and they gave me a good deal on the dual cam instead.

I have no complaints about the night vision quality. I would imagine there are better ones for night but it is good enough for me. It is 1080P on both front and back cams. I am sure you can find some online picture taken at night to judge yourself. If you are talking about actually getting license plant numbers at night I am not sure there are any that are great at it. If your stopped at a light and the car is right in front of you it shouldn't be a problem.

The great thing about Street Guardian is they have great support and quick responses. Also good quality. It is more expensive than others though.
Originally Posted by mk378
Bicycles and pedestrians aren't allowed on an Interstate, at all.

They are here in Arizona. Not all Interstates but many of them.

The likely explanation was already mentioned, the guy was riding up the interstate berm and had to cross over to the right. That doesn't look like an on ramp so going down the ramp and back up to stay on the right berm might not have been an option. If he was in fact legally allowed to be there what was he supposed to do? Just because you can doesn't mean you should sometimes. Good thing you didn't hit him.
Originally Posted by 99Eclipse
Originally Posted by supton
Wouldn't a person on foot be a pedestrian and a person on a bicycle a cyclist?

I know that makes me pedantic but someone had to say it.

Well, I see what you mean, my mistake, although, now that you say that and I look at the video he is "on" the bicycle but slightly walks it along when he hears me laying on the horn, not riding it using the pedals. Basically walking the bike. Before that he was just setting on it. I guess if we assume he was riding it earlier he would be a bicyclist, if he just sits on it as current and walks the bike along maybe he is actually a pedestrian on a bike. Although I can only see that on the video. Technically it may be a lot trickier to say than what it should be. Now I will be thinking about that for half an hour.

Ha! Now that you point that out, I could see that... I guess if he was duck paddling he might qualify as a pedestrian... Either way I don't think he belongs there!
Originally Posted by Chris142
Originally Posted by mk378
Bicycles and pedestrians aren't allowed on an Interstate, at all.

They are in California

Because they end up passing the traffic
We get intense traffic but we don't allow bikes on highways as they have a minimum speed limit posted.
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I wonder why a bicyclist is in legal terms considered a pedestrian on a bicycle if he is riding a bike. In some jurisdictions, even a bicyclist in the street is considered a pedestrian on a bicycle. It follows that a guy riding a horse on the sidewalk is not considered an equestrian, but a pedestrian on horseback. Weird!
Originally Posted by vavavroom
I wonder why a bicyclist is in legal terms considered a pedestrian on a bicycle if he is riding a bike. In some jurisdictions, even a bicyclist in the street is considered a pedestrian on a bicycle. It follows that a guy riding a horse on the sidewalk is not considered an equestrian, but a pedestrian on horseback. Weird!

There's a law here that requires a maximum wheel diameter for riding on the sidewalk, to protect children. I think it's something like over 16 inch wheels is considered a vehicle and must abide by all traffic laws. They cracked down on crazy cyclists not having reflectors, bells or following traffic laws about a decade ago (I was one of them but moved away the summer previous). Some people take that way too far and act like a really slow car and block traffic, etc. I was driving to work a few weeks ago and an e bike literally blocked an entire lane because his turn lane was full.
Originally Posted by Oildudeny
That's a bicyclist.. pedestrian would be on foot

You are correct as far as logic and semantics are concerned. In legalese there's such a thing as a pedestrian on a bicycle.
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