Air Filtration/Odor Reduction For Old Houses

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Nov 5, 2013
The vast majority here are obviously going to have central heat/air. For those of us in old farm houses like myself without that luxury (and several cats/dogs running around), I'll share what I did. You'll need....

Box fan - The basic/cheapest versions you'll find won't work, as they're too noisy, and too small. Here's what I went with:

Only $23. It's a little larger than the basic 20" models, and significantly quieter (lower fan rotation speed, but still moves plenty of air).

Filter - 20"x20"x1" filter, which you can find anywhere. I've settled on the Filtrete 1200 MPR (MERV 11) w/activated carbon:

They're around $13. Just attach to fan with some tape. I've been blown away by how well they work (this is after several months)...


Oil - Whenever you change the filter, you also unscrew the front cover, pull the blade off, and put a couple drops on the bearing. One $3 bottle will last forever:

Have a couple of these fans running 24/7/365, only being turned off for filter changes. Have over 15k hours of operation, and both still run like new.
Pretty good idea. At least you'll have some filtration.

Originally Posted By: zzyzzx
Does the filter in your furnace last longer if you do this?

Steam/water heat doesn't have the ability to filter.
I've done the same thing. I place them in areas where the dog spends most of its time. Works well.

I don't even tape them. I just let the constant suction of the fan keep it in place. Only an issue when power is lost for than a couple seconds - which is very rare where we are.

We live in a newer home (built in 2008) with central HVAC. I figure the more load I can take off the HVAC filters, the better.
Where and how is this placed in the house? looks like a good exhaust fan in the window.
Had an old timer around here who used a window fan and a car radiator to run cold well water through and use as redneck AC.
Yep, I've been doing the same thing since 2005. I just use the cheapest fan. They last about 4-5 years, even with oiling the shaft.

I always use a fan for "white noise" to help sleep when living near a major highway, and I noticed how much dust built up on the edges of the blades. I never compared filters - just used the cheapest pleated paper one that would fit. I never let them get that dirty, though. I have no pets (in the house), either.
I have been doing this for 20 years, always using the standard 20" box fan, around $16 at Menards and Wal-mart, Menards sometimes having an 11% rebate-nice if you buy several. They last several years on low. Never oiled them. HOWEVER, someone on BITOG mentioned an Internet filter and furnace supply place, turns out to be in Greenwood / Indianapolis, have a generic 6 pack of 20x20 Merv 13 or similar at 6 for $30 shipped, about same as the better 3m units but vastly cheaper. Low speed with fan filter provides good noise reduction, I can't remember the company name but it's in here somewhere. Great results, if you or wife dust this is a blessing.
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