Advice on replacing a bad outer tie rod and ball joint.

Oct 7, 2019
My 2011 GMC Terrain has 182,000 miles on it, this weekend I replaced both wheel bearing assemblies and saw that the outer tire rod and ball joint need replacing on my passenger side. I know I will have to get an alignment after I replace those parts, so I am thinking about doing the ball joints, outer and inner tire rods on both sides. My reasoning is with that many miles the other side could give out at any time and I don't really want to have to replace the other side and get another alignment. I guess my question is, do you guys think I should just replace the parts I know are bad and get an alignment, or replace all the parts of both sides to hedge my bets since the car has so many miles?
If you do both sides ( I would ) you save yourself 1 alignment down the road. Might as well check all sway bar bushings etc while you've got it apart. Check to see if your auto part store sells a complete front end kit.
The Critic here pointed out that he finds the decent aftermarket suspension parts seem to last about half as long as OEM, and I looked through my maintenance records and I find I get about that too. I would leave the factory good parts, as they may go for years yet.
Also I find the tape measure method for setting toe is usually pretty good for high profile tire Focus, the wear is pretty even on the front.
I'd probably leave well enough alone.

The exception is mostly solid axles where you have to remove the entire knuckle and both ball joints are basically removed or mostly removed.
Inspect and replace if questionable. Aftermarket parts these days including Delco are risky. Best to leave good parts alone.
Yeah that is the dilemma, If the OEM rods were affordable I would just get all OEM and do both sides without even thinking about it, but the OEM rods are $125 each. So I am looking at over $500 if go all OEM, or I can spend around $100-$150 for aftermarket, which won't last as long.
OEM is best choice, unless you're selling the vehicle very soon. That said, I'd order OEM on all the parts now that need replacing, do the job myself, and do the alignment with tape measure. Cry once and be done with it. I'd also not touch the other parts till they really need replacing. You don't really know how long they will last.