A Rememberance and Good Riddance to an Ex on her Birthday.

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TooManyWheels, it's almost like a sixth sense. I suppose it's a change in pheromones or something, as I'm usually very good at reading non-verbal clues, but don't notice any then. I suspect it's a primordial sense. "I see menstruating women!"
Funny you should mention phermones. They're what causes women who live together (or just spend a lot of time together) to sinchronize in their cycle. After the locked unit ...I went to work with juvies ..I worked OT at the girls house.

You want to see one miserable enviroment
The staff were short tempered and rude ..the girls were at each other's throats. In a couple of days it was over...

What's the worst case of PMS? When it means Perpetual Menstral Syndrome
Hi, guys...I don't know if I'm too late, but if you haven't seen this site, you might want to have a look:


Take it with a grain of salt if you like, but there's alot of plain truth in there, too. Seems alot of people are coming to the conclusion that it's not so much women in general that are the problem, but American women. They've lost their minds to materialism and romantic comedies.
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