you might want to rethink what you know about oil

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Thats been discussed before a lot. Not sure what parts of it to trust or not. Need real SAE-style rigorous tests to decide, not that.
As discussed before, I'll follow that list when I want my Timken machine to not wear out...engines...:meh:
This should get interesting. Frankly I have been using 0-20 for several years now and both engines show no outward sign of engine wear. I even used M1 5-20 in the 70s in engines calling fo 10-40 with very good results.
Originally Posted By: mcshooter
Re: you might want to rethink what you know about oil

You might want to try the search feature. This has been posted here at least 10 times by now.

Still waiting for someone to explain to me how this is applicable to a car engine.
Dang, that's a long article ... did newton write it?
Originally Posted By: Shannow
As discussed before, I'll follow that list when I want my Timken machine to not wear out...engines...:meh:

This Engine Test Guide uses a lot of motored valvetrains, a more realistic oil test. They say:

"Tests can be conducted in any or all of the following:
==== Special test stands to simulate the component environment
==== Motored cylinder heads or engines
==== Firing engines, with and without dynamometer loading
==== Vehicles on test tracks or on chassis dynamometers"

Engineers use pin-on-disk as a quick way of showing they have good mixed boundary performance or not. The pin on disc test has proved useful in providing a simple wear and friction test for low friction coatings such as diamond-like carbon coatings on the valve train. It DOES have validity. Yet it doesn't always work since various components might surf on the oil film differently.
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And that means what?

Originally Posted By: mcshooter
Did some of you folks notice how NASCAR race teams changed oil, read the whole article.
Originally Posted By: mcshooter
you might want to rethink what you know about oil

No, I'm pretty certain that a poorly written article will not be enough to make me rethink anything.

I'll change it with what I please and when I please, and I'll also sleep well at night.
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