Originally Posted By: CBDFrontier06
I guess I'd be parking across the street. I can't think of a current Ford that I'd want. I'm sure they're perfectly fine cars, but none of them appeal to me. My brother encountered that too when he bought his Monte Carlo. Ford's closest competition was the Thunderbird Turbo, which he was having none of (he'd never experienced a powerful 4-cylinder engine, so he didn't realize that the T-Bird was actually a superior car to the 1987 SS he bought.) So, he just parked his brand new Chevy across the street from the factory.
IMO, that's just redneck ingorance....forcing people to park in a specific lot depending on what they choose to drive. Pathetic. They must be running the rest of the company in a similar fashion.
Not to say it's right, but the real reason behind it is vandalism. By keeping the "other" brands away from the loyal brand drivers, the incidence of vandalism is way down. Before the whole segregated lot thing happened, there were too many keyed cars, and other general mayhem incidents to ignore.