Would you rather?

Apr 7, 2010
been doing a lot of junkyard diving lately in the intense heat. I’ve really learned to love these.


Keeps the sweat out of the eyes!

Would you rather do car work in 100 degree weather or 10 degrees?

When I’m working in the heat, I wish it were cold. When it’s vice versa, I went the reverse.

Would you rather work in a car filled with dog hair or filled with cigarette butts?

Would you rather be stuck at the side of the road with your worst enemy or work on a very rusty car? 😂

What else?
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I handle the heat much better than the cold. Sure, you can bundle up for the cold, but I don't like to have to put on 100 layers of clothing to walk outside. I'm a warm weather person.
I bought a wet neck towel from wrench a part a few weeks ago, they are a chain in texas. It kept me cool for a good few hours and makes a difference. Sunscreen is also a must.

I havent yet told myself that I wont work in x temperature weather, I think cold can be a bit more hazardous but I've been a life long southerner and if its 49 outside I'm generally not wearing shorts anymore.
I'm pretty adaptable. A light jackets and long pants below 50°F. Hot weather is no problem but humidity sucks at any temperature. I take 45° ice baths and go in the sauna. -20 C° and below sucks. It even affects my vision without goggles.
raised in phoenix and never real cold. like they say" it ain't the heat, its the humidity". Just came in from mowing. IT must be close to 100 with 70% HUMIDITY. Got me a cold Lipton georgia peach tea. Its candy.
I'm pretty adaptable. A light jackets and long pants below 50°F. Hot weather is no problem but humidity sucks at any temperature. I take 45° ice baths and go in the sauna. -20 C° and below sucks. It even affects my vision without goggles.
Ice baths, why? I can’t imagine any reason to intentionally do that except for maybe an injury.
Ice baths, why? I can’t imagine any reason to intentionally do that except for maybe an injury.
Reduce inflammation, alleviate sore muscles, increase blood flow, boost the immune system. Builds mental fortitude. Feels great when you come out of the water. Over time you get used to the initial shock. Don't do it if your ticker is not in good shape - it might stall. Start at 60° and work your way down.
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