Won't be here for LONG TIME

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I agree, fdcg27 made a fair point, without knowing what the product contains then its only reasonable not to pass judgment on its abilities or lack thereof, if it has a decent amount of PEA it certainly isn't snake oil.

Car 51 I enjoy your post but in that thread you were wrong, no one trolled you or came after you, everyone has an opinion on this and every other forum and chances are they are not going to be the same as yours all the time and that's okay. You really need to sit down and think about this a little.
I agree with Pop. You enjoyed the love-in, gushing posts and kumbaya last week when you threatened to leave, and now you're expecting everyone to stroke your ego again. My 10 and 8 year old daughters are less dramatic than you. Just go....and grow up!

Originally Posted By: Pop_Rivit
Originally Posted By: car51
So, thanks to couple members that like shoving their opinions down people's throats; I won't be posting jack. Pretty sad and downright disgusting when no facts or actual info is posted. I dont really care as ask for suggestions on something and people give sky high $$$$ suggestions.

Oh for pete's sake-enough of the drama. It's a discussion forum; you need to have a thick skin to play. Put on your big boy britches and get over it.
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Do what makes you feel good. I was surprised you stayed on when you said just recently you were going off the board. Most any forum on the internet requires a bit of thick skin. If you let it bother you just take a break. Or take a double shot before you log on.
Originally Posted By: Tegger
Originally Posted By: Pop_Rivit
Oh for pete's sake-enough of the drama. It's a discussion forum; you need to have a thick skin to play. Put on your big boy britches and get over it.

I agree.

Check out the thread that prompted car51's meltdown:

His antagonist, fdcg27, was being quite reasonable. Maybe wrong, but calm and reasonable. It looks to me like car51 became quite annoyed when fdcg27 refused to change his mind, and reacted by stomping out of the room, so to speak.

Really? That's it? Jeez, man. The Internet is a rough place. You would get eaten alive on other forums for this. Be glad and appreciative that BITOG is like Mayberry in comparison.
Originally Posted By: rooflessVW

I don't care who you are this "Hurt Feelings Report" is funny.
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car51 So said:
Well if this is over the STP thread !! car51 read this post again and think about it.. Maybe you are shoving your opinion down some throats without posting facts .. Maybe the stp is snake oil?? show some evidence of it before jumping all over another forum member..

I enjoy reading your posts ! don't lose it over a minor melt down.
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Wow. That set you off? You were completely unreasonable and rude in that thread. Please get help.

Originally Posted By: Bottom_Feeder
Originally Posted By: Tegger
Originally Posted By: Pop_Rivit
Oh for pete's sake-enough of the drama. It's a discussion forum; you need to have a thick skin to play. Put on your big boy britches and get over it.

I agree.

Check out the thread that prompted car51's meltdown:

His antagonist, fdcg27, was being quite reasonable. Maybe wrong, but calm and reasonable. It looks to me like car51 became quite annoyed when fdcg27 refused to change his mind, and reacted by stomping out of the room, so to speak.

Really? That's it? Jeez, man. The world is a rough place.
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