Why does the gas pump allways click off early for me?

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Apart from varying the speed, the other thing I have found helps on some vehicles is to turn the pump handle either forward or backward and see if it cuts off. Some trial and error testing. I would believe it has something to do with the way the pipes run from the filler. If fuel splashes back against the pump filler tube it will cut out.
The nozzle aerates the gas going into the filler neck. The backwash of aerated fuel shuts off the nozzle. If the "boiling mass" backs up too far...it shuts off. It's all a matter of the imbalance of the two. Sometimes it's the angle/depth of the nozzle ...but more importantly it's the flow rate.


You could probably ask them to use the second highest speed notch. It'll take longer to fill, but it shouldn't click off on you.

Or the slowest ..but this may not help if the gas jockey doesn't figure out the best position for the nozzle and the preset "low" flow rate is too high. My 02 Wrangler has troubles at one convenience store that has a high flow rate at the lowest setting ..yet has no trouble running at full at others.

The hardest thing to modify is someone's behavior. This is true whether it's the guy squeezing out the juicy burger sitting on the grill ...or allowing your fried onions to "brown" before slapping them on the burger. If they're used to people in a hurry and have been doing something the same way for 10,000 customers ...you have to really reinforce PUT IT ON SLOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm NOT IN A HURRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Then you just offer them the alternative of standing there and making sure it's full. If you're kind ..you say "I'm just trying to save you some time ..this thing won't fill up at the fast setting".

It helps if you actually were a gas jockey at one time in your life ...or actually any capacity behind the counter in a retail operation. You then have some insight into what you're dealing with from their POV and know how to communicate what you need effectively without sending you or them into a fit.
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