Microfiber is ALL I use. They do absorb better once they get slightly damp, but it's better than dragging a terry towel across the surface and buffing out the scratches later. Terry towels are one of the reasons I don't let dealerships or full-service car washes wash my car.
Same here. Microfiber is all I use. Cars, guns, tools, appliances, name it, and there is reason to have a few microfiber towels around to wipe it with. Plus, you can get them for a song at places like Harbor Freight. They often have 3 and 6 packs of them in various different sizes for cheap.
They're great for dusting as well. They trap and hold dust, instead of just pushing it around like Terrycloth does. I can't find a better cloth for cleaning flat screen TV's. Hell, we even dry our dog with them after he gets a shampoo...... Which is usually at least once a week.