Where do you work? What is your occupation?

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Cupertino Fruit Company, firmware engineer, [censored] Computer Science Engineering, almost done with MS Electrical Engineering.

Hey!!!! my degree is censored.....
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I work 12 hours a day 5 days a week as a livery driver. I also work part time on weekends as a escort just till I pay off some bills. You do what you have to do in life to keep your head above water.
Retired fleet mechanic. 5 years at an independent shop fixing anything from man lifts to semitrucks. 17.5 at a Material handling dealership fixing everything from man lifts to semitrucks, Exactly the same job but different.
Ford and Mazda parts counter. I mostly work back counter so I deal with our techs most of the time followed by wholesale and sometimes front counter. I hold down the shop almost by myself on the parts end, and we have 15 techs. Also am ASE certified in a few areas. The front counter customers with diesels get a little freaked out when i just ask what motor they have and go about pulling whatever parts they need without looking them up.
In college, studying electrical engineering. Working part time at Napa- counter person and delivery driver. I do some odd-jobs for my family like detailing cars, minor car repairs, fixing lawn mowers, and landscaping.
sysadm primarily on sun solaris in new london county ct. previously a mfg eng doing turbine blade and vane production, also medical implants.

aspiring hermit; more people would know this if i got out more...
I have a BSBA degree in marketing, but at the moment I am basically a mower mechanic. I work on more than just mowers, but that pretty much sums it up. My education has nothing to do with what I'm doing, but I can't really complain too much. It's not a bad gig. I get plenty of overtime and enjoy what I do.
Have a B S in accounting - worked for a CPA for a few years, hate working in an office. Recently got a job with a carpet cleaning company - worked for about 4 months in the field, they realized I have a degree and can run an office somewhat, so.............I'm stuck BACK IN AN OFFICE! I do go out in the field several times a week though.

It's a job...
Licensed pipefitter/steamfitter.
Electronics technician Interprovincial ticket.


Grandfather to 2 granddaughters... no qualifications, learning on the job.

What about you?

I am currently a server at a BBQ restaurant in town. I started off as a cashier for our to-go services and also a food preparer for plating. I have worked there for four years now and have not regretted it to this day!

I am currently in school for my B.S. degree in Mechanical Engineering, although part of the reason I asked this question is that I am really confused with what I want to pursue for a career. I love cars, but don't know if Mechanical engineering will put me where I want.

Anyway though, thanks for everyone who reponded. It is neat to see whwhere people work and and why they like/don't like it.
Aircraft dispatcher for an air cargo company. We basically subcontract for Fedex. I used to fly but had to take a break due to vision problems and may try to return some day. I have a degree in aviation but have yet to have a job that requires it. I'm also considering going back to school for mechanical/civil/electrical engineering.
I am full-time student, senior, majoring in Business Econ at a UC campus.

I also have an internship with the chancellor's office, where I work to improve relations between the University and the City.
I install Valve Actuators in multiple oil and fuel refineries, also powerplants. I work 1 week out of the month and I usually have to drive out of state. I am on call 24 hours, so some months if a disaster happens I may work for months on end to fix or help fix the problem.
[censored] in Civil Engineer, Minor in Mathematics and Computer Science

Work as a 100% IT contractor (software developer/biz consultant) mostly from home(never on site).
I work as a screw machine set-up man (No, screw machines don't make screws--well, actually, they could.) in an independent job shop(a dying trade definitely).
I do everything from toolmaking and machine repair, to machine set up and operation, to cleaning the floor.
I'm a diesel mechanic, backed up by a prestigious Associates of Occupational Studies in Automotive and Diesel Tech. Over the past 15 years, I've worked on diesel engines, trucks, heavy equipment, agricultural equipment... pretty much anything that's big and heavy and powered by a diesel engine.

After 15 years, I'm pretty well burnt out. It's no longer fun, and I could rant for a couple of pages detailing exactly why this is a [censored] job- no matter WHO you work for. But I won't bore ya'll with that.

I'm ready to get into a different line of work, and as such I'm working on my bachelor's in mechanical engineering- should be done in roughly 15 months. From there I really don't know... just depends on what opportunities are available in December 2011.
I have a bachelors in Electrical Engineering. I am a consulting engineer who designs low and medium voltage power systems and the protection involved to keep them reliable and safe. I have only been at it for just over a year now, but I enjoy it so far.
Master ASE tech school bus, Michigan master auto and truck certification, I work as foreman for a fleet of school buses,26 years now, that contracts with districts for transportation. I absolutely love my job, I am mostly my own boss and make my own work load and schedule,as long as it gets done I never hear a word from higher ups.
The only complaint I have is the fun is starting to go out of it as the vehicles get more and more complex,our fleet is made up of many different types and brands of vehicles and there is no way to learn them all
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