When did we get so stupid?

Our old house, we had listed that it had propane gas and dryer. New buyer planned to bring his newly bought... electric ones. Good luck with that, what with 60A service. Somehow both he and his realtor missed that detail.


If time is money, is this why some people just write it off and toss things out? How much of your time is selling something allowed to take up of your time, before you decide, it's not worth it...

Although I do wonder, if trolls live on the internet, might they also live in FB too? Costs them nothing to ask stupid questions and waste your time. How they get their kicks from that, I dunno.
I tease my kids often by saying, “It sure is gassy outside.” The necessities of life being we buy dryers when there is still cheap moving earth gas outside, until someone charges you for it or builds a wall around you.