What's the best oil for my use case?

Not in a smog check area thankfully but how would Royal Purple affect that?
It wouldn't affect emissions. Royal Purple HPS is just regular Group III oil with a higher than normal amount of ZDDP. Unless you got a V8 from the 60s or 70s, it's not very useful. A small minority might argue that it's awesome. That minority is shrinking every year because Calumet, the owners of Royal Purple, has cut just about every corner they could. They also haven't updated their formulations to improve them, but rather to cut costs. It's beyond me why there are still people here who recommend Royal Purple, as it doesn't excel at anything. Pennzoil Ultra Platinum would be a better option, so would be Mobil 1.
I have a Pathfinder like yours and used to change oil every 6 month (5w30 cheap approved conventional ), now I use M1 0w20ep and change it once per year. It cost the same and I spend less time under the car. I do approximately 10-12k mi per year.
Not true. it's a group 4. The RP API stuff is Group 3, and not very good oil.
Then please show some proof. An FTIR analasys of a product sample would be a good start.

It's beyond me why there are still people here who talk trash, yet have no clue on the topic.
Again, show some proof that Royal Purple HPS is a modern product made with high-quality and high-perfprmance ingredients.
Not true. it's a group 4. The RP API stuff is Group 3, and not very good oil.
HPS 5w-20 SDS shows majority Group III base:
HPS 5w-20.webp
HPS 5w-20 SDS shows majority Group III base:
Thanks for digging that up.

If you buy a jug of Magnatec or GTX and add four fluid ounces of Red Line break-in additive, you will get Royal Purple HPS, crappy 14% NOACK and all, minus the dark purple die.
Mobil 1 EP 0W-20 - it's PAO+AN (100% synthetic) and it's basically a monograde as it contains no VII. Now, this is a truly awesome and amazing oil
I'm curious as to where that conclusion was drawn, from what I can find the last published viscosity index of Mobil 1 EP or Mobil 1 AP 0W20 was over 170, don't the PAOs in the viscosity range useful for making motor oil typically have a VI somewhere in the 130-150 range, and I'm sure most additives worsen the VI, and AN certainly does.
But the real question is if you've been changing your cvt fluid every 50k or sooner. Also supertech advanced full syn is only $19.98 for a limited time. I already bought 6 jugs on sunday to do the first diy change on my 21 soon. I'll Probably use them for two olm resets as it would be about 8-9k.
I'm curious as to where that conclusion was drawn, from what I can find the last published viscosity index of Mobil 1 EP or Mobil 1 AP 0W20 was over 170, don't the PAOs in the viscosity range useful for making motor oil typically have a VI somewhere in the 130-150 range, and I'm sure most additives worsen the VI, and AN certainly does.
They no longer publish the viscosity index. @OVERKILL calculated it a while back (~130) using a viscosity calculator. In addition to that, I found a UOA on a Mazda forum where KV @ 40C was 52 cSt, which lines up with the official number of 55. It's basically a monograde blended from PAO, ANs, and the additive package. It's awesome engine oil, truly a bargain for what it is. Let's hope Mobil keeps making it for years to come.
I'm curious as to where that conclusion was drawn, from what I can find the last published viscosity index of Mobil 1 EP or Mobil 1 AP 0W20 was over 170, don't the PAOs in the viscosity range useful for making motor oil typically have a VI somewhere in the 130-150 range, and I'm sure most additives worsen the VI, and AN certainly does.
It's a calculated VI based on the most recent PDS which a few members have taken issue with. I've directed a query to Mobil to confirm the accuracy, it was passed up the chain but I have not heard back yet beyond that correspondence.
5w30 in winter, 5w40 in summer. 0w40 all year in not a bad idea (Castrol, Mobil, Pennzoil).
If you want to get into a Synthetic oil, I'd recommend Mobil 1 EP in the 5w30 weight. Excellent oil with a stout additive packet that's good for 20K miles. If you want to continue with a non-synthetic I like Pennzoil yellow bottle in the 5w30 weight. Ed

My exact thoughts 💭