What is the cost to scrap a 747?

Dec 18, 2011
I was told the cost to an outfit to scrap a DC-4 size plane was around 20K, that is over an above the value of the metals, so yeah if you own one thats what it would cost you.
So just wondering what it would cost to scrap a 747? Remember all the metals, wires, plastic etc. need to be sorted, just wondering how they sort out things like riveted on steel nut plates etc.?
Why scrap it when you can part it out. From the internet: Depending on its age, secondhand landing gear from a 747 can fetch up to $300,000. Cockpit screens go for $30,000 each. An auxiliary power unit might set you back $25,000. Would make sense to fly it to a 3rd world country first where they would strip it for $1 an hour, assuming it still flies.
From the internet.....

After any subassemblies are scavenged, I bet planes are shredded and allutrified (blown up a tower and separated by weight) just like cars.
Why scrap it when you can part it out. From the internet: Depending on its age, secondhand landing gear from a 747 can fetch up to $300,000. Cockpit screens go for $30,000 each. An auxiliary power unit might set you back $25,000. Would make sense to fly it to a 3rd world country first where they would strip it for $1 an hour, assuming it still flies.
You could probably very easily add a zero to the end of that APU price.

I know that’s about what they cost even for the small ones for the E-Jets we work on.
Scrap means what is left after the good parts are gone. Engines go first, many exotic metals in them.
Though it still costs to remove good parts as well, no one works for free, and owning or renting a crane or machine to lift most of the parts is not cheap. I'd like to know the cost to scrap a plane, not the value of the scrap or the good parts.