What is everyone doing this weekend?

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Feb 23, 2009
I normally do not get this weekend off (like never), but I guess I got lucky, and got it off. Plans for me are to work on some more little jobs inside the house, (My major projects are not until next week), clean my cars, and hang out with my family by the pool. (going to be a hot one this weekend.)

What about you guys?

Last weekend I went to Cedar City and Zion to see the eclipse; also Hoover Dam, Las Vegas, and Peggy Sue's Restaurant.

I am tripped out and just want to vegetate, not drive all over the desert again.
Hopefully just relaxing after a rough week at work. Fire up the grill, mow the grass, maybe go out for dinner with friends and catch a movie. Nothing elaborate...
Finish the rest of my license renewal paperwork, detail the fiance's and my cars tomorrow while it's nice, then play the rest of the weekend by ear.
"Bandfest" (coverbands all weekend long) and a carnival at the park a block from my house.

Family and friends came up this weekend for the event.

Also getting the room ready for our baby girl who's coming mid June. Started sanding the second hand dresser this evening.
Installing an inverter/charger in my RV. Spent much of the day gathering parts/cable. Same tomorrow morning and then I start drilling holes in my new trailer.
Originally Posted By: Cristobal

I am tripped out and just want to vegetate, not drive all over the desert again.

Don't be trippin out dude! Be the spider.
Chores, one or two oil changes, hopefully wash my car. Want to go to the junk yard Sunday morning. Hope they are open! Need to work Monday :-(
My wife and I took on a project for our township. We're starting to convert all of the local cemetery records from paper to a database. I spent a few hours writing the program, now we'll start going out into the cemeteries and do the mapping and confirming the grave sites, so we'll spend one of our days doing a small country cemetery.

I'll be at the winery part of the time, and then there is always gardening and yard work to be done. We'll also get a couple 40 mile bike rides in, as well as a couple long walks with the dogs.
Originally Posted By: daves87rs
I normally do not get this weekend off (like never), but I guess I got lucky, and got it off. Plans for me are to work on some more little jobs inside the house, (My major projects are not until next week), clean my cars, and hang out with my family by the pool. (going to be a hot one this weekend.)

What about you guys?

I gave a talk at my daughter's school about Memorial Day, its origins, and its personal significance for me. I discussed the honor, courage and commitment of those who serve, but particularly those who have fallen in combat.

I will be remembering those 1.1 million soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines who gave their lives in the service of our nation.

And I will be remembering my friend, BJ Dwyer, an F/A-18 pilot, to whom I owe my life. On a combat mission on 05 Feb, 1991, he did not come back.

He left behind a wife, and two young daughters.

I am glad you gys are enjoying the 3 day weekend, please don't forget what this weekend is truly about.
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The origins of Memorial Day date back to the American Civil War. While the exact location and place of the first memorial services are lost to history, war widows placed flowers on the graves of the soldiers who had fallen in service to the country. Many Southern widows placed flowers on the graves of Union soldiers as well as Confederate soldiers buried in their towns. Memorial Day ( originally known as Decoration Day) was officially proclaimed in 1868 by General John Logan, national commander of the Grand Army of the Republic, what we would now call the US Army. It was first observed on 30 May 1868, when flowers were placed on the graves of soldiers at Arlington National Cemetery.

A Canadian Surgeon and Army Officer named John McCrae said it best in 1915,

In Flanders fields the poppies blow,
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard above the guns below.

We are the Dead, Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie,
In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe;
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.

While other nations wear poppies on November 11th (the day of the armistice for that war), or (for my Kiwi and Aussie BITOGers) on ANZAC Day, in the United States, we remember those who have fallen in combat on Memorial Day, in May, following the tradition that dates back to our Civil War.

It’s hard for us to understand the magnitude of the American Civil War. Over 497,000 soldiers were killed with a devastating effect on American society. That’s nearly the entire population of Vermont today. The United States in 1860 had a population of roughly 30 million, compared with 290 million now. So that casualty figure as a percentage of society would be 10 times worse, or 5 million, today. That kind of percentage meant that everyone living in the United States at the end of the Civil War had a friend, or a neighbor, or a husband, a father or a son, who was killed in the war.

That's why Memorial Day, in this country, has such significance...at least, I thought it did...
Riding out to a National Cemetery which sits in the middle of nowhere NM and salute my brothers who fell.
Thank you Smoky.

Originally Posted By: Pop_Rivit
My wife and I took on a project for our township. We're starting to convert all of the local cemetery records from paper to a database. I spent a few hours writing the program, now we'll start going out into the cemeteries and do the mapping and confirming the grave sites, so we'll spend one of our days doing a small country cemetery.

That's cool. I did quite a bit of genealogy in the past. Kudos.
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