Oil is like most things in life as in highly overrated. Like drinking water for example... any clean/balanced water regardless of brand/location source will always be better than dirty/unbalanced water. Same with oil as in anything fresh will surpass used as in an engine doesn't care what specs/marketing claim. That's more to pacify the consumer without question.I don't remember asking before, it was more than four years ago, but thanks for reminding me of my fallibility. It never fails to amaze me at how good you are at digging up old threads and comments, an attribute truly to be admired.
If I've not said it before, although I may have, I suffered a minor brain imjury in a motorcycle accident many years ago, and my memory has suffered. I forget some things, and sometimes repeat myself. It's gotten quite a bit better over the years, but I've gotta work at it.
It crossed my mind, I thought I'd ask. Sometimes my memory is not so good.