What are you tired of?

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Oct 22, 2004
I'll tell you what I'm tired of:

1. Seeing stuffed animals in the back window of ladies cars.....especially if a guy is driving!

2. Anything Kenny "G".

3. Oprah. What is it with people watching her like she's a God or something? Ever see the freaky women in her audience? They all look like they just witnessed the second coming.

4. Handicap parking spots. Not trying to insult anyone, especially veterans, but how many of these parking spaces do we need? Every store I go to has enough to field a football team.

5. Drug commercials. How many times do we have to see those "male enhancement" commercials or herpes, allergy, incontinence, depression, anxiety, acid reflux, and so forth? It's enough to make you think we are all invalids.

Got any of your own folks?
1) People griping about stuff.
2) Winter and all the associated bad driving
3) Idiot, criminal industry bosses being set equal by the press and public with all good corporate leaders.
4) Posts about body cleaning habits and juices
5) 6 year old girls dressed by their parents to essentially look like hookers, and worse parents that force their kids to do stuff as a bad extension of their childhood.
6) Teachers in schools allowed to teach their philosophy rather than the subject matter at hand.

I could go on but; 7) I hate loafing at work....
10 Smokers to meet me at every business I need to enter. And the enjoyable second hand smoke!!! I guess a smokers room is out??
People driving 4 door diesel 4X4 trucks (which never leave the pavement anywhere), on a cell phone, drifting into two lanes, and running red lights.
1. Lack of common courtesy amoung many drivers.
2. Liberal Media
3. People who own 3/4 ton+ tucks for no reason
4. Our overly sensitive society
5. People who have no idea how good they have it here
People complaining about others driving 4X4s., SUVs, etc.

When it comes right down to it, most of what I spend is not necessary in the eyes of others. I lived in a 5 bedroom house with just my wife and I for over 12 years. I have 2 SUVs. I go out to eat for no good reason. I've got more tools than I need and won't ever use all of them. I just bought 3 expensive mattresses for the family for no good reason. We're all going to Disney World next month for no good reason. I just bought a new road bike when the 22 year old one did fine. And I won't even go into lubrication habits.

Think about it. If we all spend only what is necessary or for "your" good reasons, the economy would crash and burn almost instantly.

This concept of buying what you want works well for me and my family and I hope it works well for you and your family.

Best wishes,

I'm tired of negative people. Life in large part is what we personally make it. My former Sgt. Major in the Army had a great piece of advice: "If your day starts out bad or becomes bad during the day force yourself to make it a good day, no matter what". This man was one of the most positive and happy people I have ever had the enjoyment of being around. I'm personally in a ton of debt and have a job that I really don't like but, I can't blame anyone other than myself. The debt someday will be gone and I will continue to look for a better job. That is how I will turn a negative into a positive.
No problem with those driving Large SUVs and trucks if they need it or it is for recreation. It's the ones who think they need it, but don't.

1. People who blow their nose while seated at the table in a restaurant.

2. EVERYTHING sold in America being made in China.
3. Greedy American companies who dispose of American jobs to have their products made in another country (did I mention that everything is made in China?).
4. Walmart
1. A$$hole Drivers.
2. People who ***** about people who ***** about driving SUV's because it's what they feel like driving, when part of the reason my gas bill is higher when I fill up is BECAUSE of thier gas-suckin' SUV.
3. people who come to LIVE in America and refuse to 'learn the language'
4. People oblivious to the world around them.
tsunami stories on Opera today

Biased news programs (all) reporting daily that "Insurgents" (not terrorists) killed xxx number of police recruits. Yet with 120K U.S. soldiers there...We haven killed an "insurgent" in the last two months. But we have killed lots of "innocents" and "wedding Party" celebrators

[ January 17, 2005, 06:06 PM: Message edited by: Al ]
1-courtny love
2-people that come over to your vehicle and hand you religious material while you are at hardee's etc.
3-beggars at off ramps wearing more expensive shoes than i have on.
4-hollywood stars and musicians telling me how to vote.
5-my kid comming home with 2 hrs of homework a night..from a teacher that doesn't have kids..guess who's homework that sometimes becomes?
6-f-18 hornets doing touch and go's on my house.
7-er, courtny love?

Originally posted by Tim H.:
1. A$$hole Drivers.
2. People who ***** about people who ***** about driving SUV's because it's what they feel like driving, when part of the reason my gas bill is higher when I fill up is BECAUSE of thier gas-suckin' SUV.
3. people who come to LIVE in America and refuse to 'learn the language'
4. People oblivious to the world around them.

Nice one!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Originally posted by Tim H.:
3. people who come to LIVE in America and refuse to 'learn the language'

Bingo. They don't call it "Mexafornia" for nothing. Soon we'll be living in "The United States of Amexico."
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