What are you reading right now?

The King and Maxwell serires by Baldacci. Looks like I can follow up with the Will Roby series—already did Memory Man.

I had read these quite a while ago - perhaps 15 to 20 years ago - but had forgotten how excellent this series is.

Power Of The Sword runs from about 1930 to 1948, and Rage picks up there and runs to 1966.

Excellent historical fiction with lots of real characters making appearances.

Highly recommended.
I just ordered this in paperback. I could have gotten it in kindle instantly, but I want some books that I believe will be great in a physical form,..if that makes sense.🤔
While Kindle is great, I love the feel and smell of a physical copy of a book.
I’ll report back on this once I receive it and read it. 🍻

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That is one I forgot about and will by my next purchase.
By Philip Roth - all fiction. I’m on a Roth kick. I read these backwards for some reason, American pastoral should be read first.

Everyman read two weeks ago. Feeling a bit older and see the hands of fate coming your way? Might be too intense for many over 60.

The Human Stain. Read last week. Wow! This is a treatise on how woke like politics in a collegiate setting can be so misleading. Also brings the Clinton /Monika White House scandals to life. Written around 2002 but you would swear it was written during the past year.

American Pastoral - reading now, almost finished - like getting punched in the mouth but you keep getting off the mat and read on for the next punch. Takes place in Newark NJ during the transformation of that city from a vibrant, mixed ethnicity working class manufacturing based city to what it remains as to this day. I was there in Newark during the early to mid 1970’s. He is telling the truth. Mr Roth weaves the radical politics of the Weather Underground into a story about the decimation of a family, a business and a city. Maybe tied with Robert Penn Warren‘s “All the Kings Men” as the best book ever written in my opinion.

This was Jack Higgins's last book. Not nearly as good as most of his Sean Dillon series. (Jack Higgins was a pseudonym for the late Harry Patterson.)
Didn't know he passed, shame, loved some of his works. Guess I need to pull out what I have and give them a read.
I reread Exocet a few months ago. It was as good as I remembered - certainly one of his best.

I really enjoyed The Eagle Has Landed. There was a good sequel too - The Eagle Has Flown?

A lot of his IRA-themed books were really good too.

Per Wikipedia, Patterson (Higgins) died in April 2022, a few months short of 93. RIP, Sir, and thank you for many hours of enjoyable reading.

First book I’ve read since probably like 2018 when I was still in school. Books are very boring to me. Doing this at the recommendation of a member here who is wanting me to do well and not spend $1300 on a phone. The phone is likely happening but I’ll still read this. I’ve finished one chapter so far. I was thinking about getting the audio book but I lose attention on stuff like that easily.
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First book I’ve read since probably like 2018 when I was still in school. Books are very boring to me. Doing this at the recommendation of a member here who is wanting me to do well and not spend $1300 on a phone. The phone is likely happening but I’ll still read this. I’ve finished one chapter so far. I was thinking about getting the audio book but I lose attention on stuff like that easily.
I saw this one book called The Dating Game For Ethical Young Men Who Eat Chinese Food, Like Baseball, And Eat Chinese Food In Their Air-Cooled VWs, but wasn't sure if you'd be interested. ;)
Just finished a book by Martin Duggard & Bill O'Riely titled Killing Jesus. I read the book so fast, in about 3 days that I had to turn around and read it cover to cover a second time.
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First book I’ve read since probably like 2018 when I was still in school. Books are very boring to me. Doing this at the recommendation of a member here who is wanting me to do well and not spend $1300 on a phone. The phone is likely happening but I’ll still read this. I’ve finished one chapter so far. I was thinking about getting the audio book but I lose attention on stuff like that easily.
Hope you can get some good ideas and use out of it if you can make it thru it. I go in spells where I dont read a while and then boom I will zoom thru two or three in a few weeks. Of course it is easier to do books when retired. Let us know what you think of it. That is one I heard about but then kind of forgot about.