What are you doing to stay cool?

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I was again up in Marin today and they had 102 F there. Now, back home right by the ocean it doesn't even have 60 F outside!
it was a blistering 80*f here, I had to turn on the ceiling fan to cool off

Originally posted by Auto-Union:
I blow fans into the house all night aand then close up early in the morning. House stays cool until 7-8pm then I do it again.

We did that in years past years. Atter a year or two your house will smell like a mold factory. Humitity gets into the walls a, rugs, etc. I think after a while it becomes irreversible.

Originally posted by Al:


Originally posted by Auto-Union:
I blow fans into the house all night aand then close up early in the morning. House stays cool until 7-8pm then I do it again.

We did that in years past years. Atter a year or two your house will smell like a mold factory. Humitity gets into the walls a, rugs, etc. I think after a while it becomes irreversible.

That depends on your humidity. We did that for 30 years worth of summers in our house in San Jose. No mold, no smell.
lol, in central california - used to in dresden


Most on the board don't believe in Global Warming.

yeah, I don't believe my credit card bill when I see it so I know how they feel.
Sweating. It's natural, won't pollute the environment (that may be debatable) and conserves on resources.
But it tends to deplete your potassium.
I prefer to sweat because I choose to do something I know will result in it, not because it feels like I died and went to the Bad Place....
It used to be possible to stay cool with a swamp cooler in the Pueblo-Pueblo West area. But anymore there seems to be more humidity and swamp coolers do not work as well.

And I really do think the Earth seems to be getting warmer. There have been temperatures of something like 106 in northern states where such temperatures are rare. Maybe we really do have global warming.
Al, I think the condition is specific to the house in question and how moist it is in general. Here the humidity is low at night, plus I have fans in the attic to vent water vapour. No basement helps too. We've had no a/c for 7 years, but right down in the Valley in Wilkes-Barre, they NEED it.
Man, after 8 years of mega drought and sizzling summers, we have had low 80s for the past month (short spert of 90s) along with daily afternoon thunder showers. Last evening after the daily monsoonal convection fired, it was 65 degrees on my deck at 7:30!!! We put fans in the windows as well because even if it gets to 95 here, it'll be 55 by morning (thank you high altitude arid climate).

This has been the coolest, wettest summer in years.

It has been humid here, hasn't it Mystic. Actually, the way it is now is NORMAL! We've just been stuck in the dust bowl for 8 years.

If it's insanly hot we have a huge window A/C unit in the kitchen that cools the entire upstairs (very efficiently as well
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