What are you doing right now?

Finished up a LinkedIn vid on Constructive Arguing. Have a Mr Carlson's Lab vid on (about a BC-348). Thinking of doing some soldering for a project, cobbling something together for work to keep a project moving forward.
Just left Walmart. Had to get a new headlight for mom’s car and a new wallet for me and some lunch stuff. They are the only place that sells White House brand apple sauce besides Food Lion. Mott’s is meh. Had to get a new wallet my other one is circa 2018 or 19 and is coming apart at the stitching. I can’t see spending big money for a piece of leather that goes in my back pocket. If I get 4-5 years out of a wallet that’s good enough for me. I had to get one with more card slots anyway with all my rewards cards. My other one is overflowing with all my cash and cards lol. I like the George Costanza wallets. I hate a slim wallet because it’s not comfortable to sit on like the big one. Time to get some Chinese food hopefully. Especially since I’ve worked on dad’s truck the last two days.
Ha Ha ha Costanza's wallets! 🤣
Dad just got home so hopefully we are going to get dinner soon. We are starving. My friend called and talked for an hour making sure me and dad are coming tomorrow after work with a trailer to move his mattress. I really don’t feel like doing anything but relaxing after work. I wish he would not call I can’t stand talking on the phone. At least with my AirPods I don’t have to hold it up to my ear the whole time. If he hadn’t called me 3 times in a row I would not have answered. It’s a little thing but talking on the phone is one of my pet peeves. Back in the flip phone days I didn’t mind it but now it’s so much easier to text. He keeps changing numbers so I never know if it’s him or not. I’ve lost count of all his phone numbers I think we are at 35 since 2013 but just a guess as I stopped keeping track. He’s changed it twice in the last week. His new provider T-Mobile charges $15 per change after the first. The other day he texted me at 3am wanting me to change mine since it’s 10 years old he said he doesn’t feel safe texting it and I said well I’m not changing it so get over it or don’t text me. He finally got over it. I then texted him at 3am Saturday saying he couldn’t be a real man since his new number also had a 2 in it which he hates. I think he is a funny guy.
Packed and ready to head to John Wayne in a few minutes for flight home after a deep 7 days
Getting ready to go eat. Friend had someone else get the bed frame which is ok with me haha. They can not afford the trailer rental so luckily we hadn’t gotten it yet.
Eating at Cheddars. I wanted Chinese food lol. Don’t really like American food at all besides steak or ribs. Other than that just texting my friend and reading another forum where we do secret Santa every year. Looking forward to that. I’m reading the hints thread now to see what whoever I get may want. My list was simple money, gift cards, tools and anything related to baseball and alcohol.
Just finished a 14hr day shift. Now time for laundry & pack for my short vacation back “home”. Central Coast, CA. GTFO of the Sacramento hellhole for a bit.

Astoria, OR next month.

Really enjoying being far enough into my career to break loose several times a year. Family went too many years not getting any vacation time because I was always working & trying to make my way up the ladder. At a place where I can “park” for a while even with executive management trying to convince me to move up again.
Laying in bed. I really should try to sleep I’m just not tired. It’s the night owl in me lol. I’m not the type that can just lay down and sleep. My entire family is like that we have never been able too. Back to watching YouTube I guess. I miss the days of Walmart and other stores like Walgreens being open 24/7 cause that’s where we’d be. Not spending any money though cause for once I actually managed to save over half my check by cutting out unnecessary spending. In fact the only extras I bought was a couple bottled sodas this week from Food Lion when I go with my buddies on lunch. Saving up for a car and I really want a new laptop or maybe considering an iPad with a keyboard add on. I really don’t need it but it is a want. My current laptop is 8 years old and it’s gotten slow and is no longer supported. And I’d like to have something compatible with my phone. And yes I have been paying my debts down significantly. Plus still have $300 left from where I sold my car.
Laying in bed. I really should try to sleep I’m just not tired. It’s the night owl in me lol. I’m not the type that can just lay down and sleep. My entire family is like that we have never been able too. Back to watching YouTube I guess. I miss the days of Walmart and other stores like Walgreens being open 24/7 cause that’s where we’d be. Not spending any money though cause for once I actually managed to save over half my check by cutting out unnecessary spending. In fact the only extras I bought was a couple bottled sodas this week from Food Lion when I go with my buddies on lunch. Saving up for a car and I really want a new laptop or maybe considering an iPad with a keyboard add on. I really don’t need it but it is a want. My current laptop is 8 years old and it’s gotten slow and is no longer supported. And I’d like to have something compatible with my phone. And yes I have been paying my debts down significantly. Plus still have $300 left from where I sold my car.
Total lack of discipline.

Food. Money habits. Exercise. It's all the same.

At least - you - know what you need to do. Execute. I am not telling you this to belittle your situation. I really pray and hope you can overcome.
You can't sleep because you've trained your body not to. Put away all electronics and go to bed at the same time every night. Consistency is very important. For a while you may lay there for a long time before sleeping. Close your eyes. Don't be looking around the room. Don't touch anything. Not even your book you really need to read. Go to bed 7 or 8 hours before you have to get up to go to work. Every day including weekends even though you don't go to work. Get up every day at get ready for work time. Consistency. After a few weeks you'll be sleeping almost that whole time because that's the new normal your body will be used to. It isn't a can't. It's a don't/won't. Most things are that way.
You guys are totally wrong respectfully . It is a can’t. I know others like it. But I’m not upset about it. Believe me I’ve tried the no electronics thing. It doesn’t do any good I just end up staring into the dark or looking at the plug in that lights up. I’ve done this my whole life. We used to go out like 2 and 3 in the morning. So I’m in right here it’s no won’t it’s a can’t. If it was a won’t my entire family would not be like that. There are people that study this stuff. Like me and another member discussed I’m only targeted because I’m young. But I like hearing others views so I don’t mind. Just explaining why I’m right in this case.

Just getting up now to walk the dog. Might take a break from this thread for a bit for obvious reasons. Trying to keep it alive. I don’t know why others aren’t unless I post first. At least it’s Thursday cause I’m ready for the weekend. No spending any money that I don’t need too on the weekends though. It’s nice having that amount in savings.
If you are staring in the dark or at lights your eyes aren't closed. People don't sleep with their eyes open and don't go to sleep that way either. And if you didn't do it for at least 5 weeks in a row then you didn't actually try it. It takes at least 5 weeks to form a new habit, a bit longer for some. And that's a studied and proven fact as well. In bed at 10:58-11:02 seven nights a week, up at 06:28-06:32 seven mornings a week, eyes closed every minute asleep or not, no exceptions, and after 5 weeks it will be a habit and very likely sleeping almost all of it due to it now being your physical habit. If so, much better sleep pattern and the health benefits that go with it. If not, you confirmed you're one of the strange few who don't adapt physical habits. And maybe get written up in the next study.