What are you doing right now?

Right now just eating lunch. It’s been quiet today at work since a lot of people aren’t here today for some reason. One of my coworkers who is in his 40s described it as feeling like 2007 or before in the shop. I asked why that was and the significance he said because all the people who have a phone problem aren’t here today so it feels like a time where people actually talk to people. I laughed and said I’d love to go back to those times. I don’t like talking to people but that’s because I wasn’t raised talking to people. But he is right so many people in our shop sit on their tail all day on their phones or as soon as they hear a notification they drop everything to check it. There is also not much work which he said was common then too. So yeah I guess we will call it 2007 at my shop let’s all get out our flip phones and iPhone 1s lol 😂. Also the internet is down so that was really common back then too haha. It’s all fitting together. I guess about 2008-10 is when phones and technology really became distractions. I’ve always been behind on the times so I would of thought it was much later.
I went to the shooting range this morning . Just got through unloading the truck . I'll look for something for lunch and then sit down with the laptop and see who I can piss off on Facebook .
I’m eating chips and salsa and waiting on the baseball game to come on and for dad to get home so we can get dinner. I hate waiting around on people but I also don’t have money for food so I need someone to buy it for me lol. I could use my credit cards but they are paid down as I used a ton of my money to pay them. Anybody that can help me understand secured credit cards? Not going to get one at the moment I just don’t understand how they would work I know you put a deposit down and can spend that much but how does that help your credit? What happens if you go over? Asking this to help my friend who has special needs be able to understand as he got a secured card from CreditKarma. I keep reading the same thing online but just don’t get it.
Watching the game now and will be researching secured cards more to help my friend. Don’t see how I’m going down the rabbit hole as one member insists when I’m ahead on all my payments and not using the cards again till they are paid off. Maybe I can find a finance forum to help me out with this answer on the secured cards cause I’m truly confused but his parents don’t know either nor do mine as they never had them so just trying to help him. Or maybe I can call CreditKarma card program and ask them to explain it.

About the game I’m rooting for the Diamondbacks. I really don’t want to see the Phillies in a World Series again. Bryce Harper is a good player but I don’t like his attitude. My dog is always sitting here with me too. She seems to be the only one that watches baseball besides me lol. Recently I’ve been thinking there are a lot less baseball fans than their used to be. Used to be able to find them everywhere now everyone is anti sports or likes football. You tell people you like baseball and they are like what. Really surprised not more fans here.
A secured credit card isn't exactly a credit card. It's an account you deposit money into. Whatever amount of money you deposit is your limit on the card. It is used like a credit card but you've already paid it ahead of time by depositing the money. If you don't pay the bill when it is sent the money is used from the deposit. At that point the limit on the card is that much lower. If the card was maxed out then the card is dead until it is paid to restore the money balance into the account. It's similar to a debit card at a bank that allows you to spend up to how much money is deposited except a secured card charges 20% or higher interest rate to the slaves who get them.
Maybe I can find a finance forum to help me out with this answer on the secured cards cause I’m truly confused but his parents don’t know either nor do mine as they never had them so just trying to help him.
A secured credit card isn't exactly a credit card. It's an account you deposit money into. Whatever amount of money you deposit is your limit on the card. It is used like a credit card but you've already paid it ahead of time by depositing the money. If you don't pay the bill when it is sent the money is used from the deposit. At that point the limit on the card is that much lower. If the card was maxed out then the card is dead until it is paid to restore the money balance into the account. It's similar to a debit card at a bank that allows you to spend up to how much money is deposited except a secured card charges 20% or higher interest rate to the slaves who get them.
a secured credit card is simple... its a credit card obtained by someone who has no or poor credit whereby the credit card user puts collateral up against the limit of the secured credit card..

Both my kids started out with a secured credit card from our bank.. I told them to do it that way.. it is a way to establish credit..

the regular credit cards do the 20% interest rate too... its the dummies who carry a balance who pay that rate, whether secured or unsecured credit card..
Watching the game now and will be researching secured cards more to help my friend. Don’t see how I’m going down the rabbit hole as one member insists when I’m ahead on all my payments and not using the cards again till they are paid off. Maybe I can find a finance forum to help me out with this answer on the secured cards cause I’m truly confused but his parents don’t know either nor do mine as they never had them so just trying to help him. Or maybe I can call CreditKarma card program and ask them to explain it.

About the game I’m rooting for the Diamondbacks. I really don’t want to see the Phillies in a World Series again. Bryce Harper is a good player but I don’t like his attitude. My dog is always sitting here with me too. She seems to be the only one that watches baseball besides me lol. Recently I’ve been thinking there are a lot less baseball fans than their used to be. Used to be able to find them everywhere now everyone is anti sports or likes football. You tell people you like baseball and they are like what. Really surprised not more fans here.
The key to credit cards is to never, ever carry a balance month to month.

The first step to financial success is to always have several paychecks in the bank... Well, second step after paying off all the #$&@ credit cards (and Apple Store Credit balances). :)
anyway, back to what I am doing right now..

I replaced the 20 year old seal on the bottom of the garage door this morning as well as getting off the phone with Morryd suspension
ordering a replacement part for my RV... which leads into my next task is now to to call my financial institution because the vendors keep saying the card is declined.. and my financial institution says it is fixed now.. LOL... which it isn't but will try again..
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Why is a young guy who lives at home, has low income, hardly saves money, little life discipline even thinking about credit cards? Did I miss something?
I’ve got two. Not maxed but I do have a balance. My friend is wanting a card so he went thru CreditKarma card program and they gave him a secured card as a credit builder. He thought you didn’t have to pay it back which is why I was asking cause I couldn’t find the right answer online. We were under the impression it was like a debit card where you just spend what you have and that’s it.
Buying CD's. In $1000 increments, 100's. 3 months. Some banks I never heard of. "MODERN BANK" (NY). "OPPORTUNITY BK OF MT" I only go $25K max for these. BofA 5.35% for 90 days now, better, not best.

One thing that gets my goat, some banks in my own state (Homestreet) are blue skied for WA, meaning I can't buy them (They want your arse in the bank). Good rates, some pay monthly.

Weird - January is 3 months from now. Odd typing that!
I’ve got two. Not maxed but I do have a balance. My friend is wanting a card so he went thru CreditKarma card program and they gave him a secured card as a credit builder. He thought you didn’t have to pay it back which is why I was asking cause I couldn’t find the right answer online. We were under the impression it was like a debit card where you just spend what you have and that’s it.

may I suggest you spend more time on Investopedia and less on BITOG and up your learning of the important stuff..
tellya right now most people who run businesses don't want to help you learn because the economy depends on your ignorance and staying on the debt treadmill the rest of your life.. https://www.investopedia.com/articl...n-financial-terms-every-newbie-needs-know.asp

secured credit card you will get billed monthly. pay your bill on time, establish credit..
if you dont pay your bill, the bank will take it out of the collateral and give you poor credit marks,
furthering your financial hardships in the future.
Waiting for a really NOICE trailer shop to put a hitch for bikes on my wife’s CRV. $90. Sometimes even if easy I don’t mind paying the man….heh heh

Links Trailer on the Guide Meridian

Suddenly I want a trailer