What are you doing right now?

Do you have a pair of Reebok now? Do they fit correctly? Look at the tongue and order the same size on reebok.com. Works every time. At least for several times I've ordered in the last several years.
Unfortunately I don’t. Used to wear the Zigtech (I think that was the name) all the time. I miss those wish they would bring them back. As far as I know they are discontinued.
Working 12hr ot dayshift.

Only really dealt with one line trip so far. CAISO seems to have prepared for the eclipse well as it was a big nothing-burger for the PV ramps. Shoot, the daily duck curve evening ramp is steeper than what we just did.

POV loading a subaru engine into the pickup for long term storage
Eating my favorite snack chips and salsa and I just poured the last bit of salsa. Have to get some more when I go over to find something to eat as parents made chicken soup in the crock pot which I’d never eat ever. Got to decide what salsa to get next. I like all the major brands apace, Tostitos, On the Border etc. Haven’t had Tostitos in awhile so I might get them and some more lime chips.
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Sitting at the computer, wrapped in layers, because one of my coworkers was kind enough to bring in a cold his daughter dragged home from school, and share it with the office. Had a fever that started Friday night and ran all day yesterday, but seems to have left last night, as I don't have one today. Dry cough, lots of snot. Good times.
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Taking my mom to her archery practice. She has coached archery for many many years at the school system. Probably just going to ride around with dad while she is there. I hate to think it’s Sunday and I have to work tomorrow lol.
Sitting at the computer, wrapped in layers, because one of my coworkers was kind enough to bring in a cold his daughter dragged home from school, and share it with the office. Had a fever that started Friday night and ran all day yesterday, but seems to have left last night, as I don't have one today. Dry cough, lots of snot. Good times.
Oil change on the "new" car, only to find a bad water pump (hopefully this will be quick and painless under warranty). Trying to convince myself to do the first D&F on the CVT, have everything but the nerve. Would rather be outside raking leaves.