What are you doing right now?

Just got to work. Good thing I made it. I had a tractor trailer pull out in front of me and I had to make a quick exit off the road to avoid it. I was within inches of colliding with him at 55 it would have been a huge mess. I hope today is not too extreme busy but maybe like yesterday where it’s sorta steady.
On lunch break now. Man I hate walk ins. The morning was flooded with them and then it puts us behind because we have to do them in the order they are written up not by appointment time. I’m ready to go home and chill and watch baseball and drink soda and milk.
Got home a bit ago getting ready to turn the game on. I swear man people get their licenses from cereal boxes these days. Had another close call with a Valley Metro bus coming home he almost side swiped me. Forced me into the turning lane had there been something there he would have sideswiped me. He then honked and started blinking his lights at me when I blew past him in the turning lane he forced me into. Idiot drivers man. I encounter so many but especially the last week or so. Let’s chill and watch baseball and hopefully get some Chinese food if dad gets home in time.
Got home a bit ago getting ready to turn the game on. I swear man people get their licenses from cereal boxes these days. Had another close call with a Valley Metro bus coming home he almost side swiped me. Forced me into the turning lane had there been something there he would have sideswiped me. He then honked and started blinking his lights at me when I blew past him in the turning lane he forced me into. Idiot drivers man. I encounter so many but especially the last week or so. Let’s chill and watch baseball and hopefully get some Chinese food if dad gets home in time.

Lots of idiots on the road, keep your head on a swivel.
Just got to work. Good thing I made it. I had a tractor trailer pull out in front of me and I had to make a quick exit off the road to avoid it. I was within inches of colliding with him at 55 it would have been a huge mess. I hope today is not too extreme busy but maybe like yesterday where it’s sorta steady.
Did you have some spare underwear at work? :oops: :D
new CCV filter in my truck today as well as installed a fifth wheel tailgate
Never had jet lag issues in all my travel days when working.

This trip every day I fall asleep nice and tired, Sleep like a log. Then near 3 AM BAM awake and can’t get back to sleep Sucks.
Makes sense why you're posting at this hour; was wondering what the....?
Watching the Baltimore Orioles @ Texas Rangers game. Game 3 of the ALDS for them. Go Orioles. If they lose tonight they are out and Texas will go to the ALCS.
Picking up food and drinks. Got to go back home soon can’t miss too much of the game. Rocking my new Nike shoes too that I got on Sunday. Hate the company but shoe stores here suck so the choices are limited and I don’t buy shoes online. I’ve always been a Reebok guy or boot guy. Went and helped my special needs friend at his work today for a few minutes after I got off. Sold him a phone I had in my collection for his collection he really wanted it so I sold it to him for $100 I got it on eBay way less so I am happy and he is too. He called T-Mobile today his new phone company trying to get a number without a 2 in it. I’d say they assume he is crazy lol. They kept explaining to him that the numbers are computer generated they don’t let you pick at T-Mobile at least they didn’t at this one. The guy was being polite as possible but I think he was getting annoyed so I had to explain to him that there is no number that is “unmanly” I told him I’ll sell him my phone number for $10k because it has no 2s lol. He has literally had T-Mobile for a day and has had three numbers. I told him to stay on his parents family plan at Verizon but he was dead set on getting his own. With all the add ons and phone payment it’s $94 a month for him. I pay $30 for my part of the plan.
About to wrap up the day. Thunderhead289 posted something about reviving an AMC that I'll watch before/in bed.

Tomorrow is a hamfest. I'm sure I'll bring home stuff that I didn't know I wanted, much less needed. [Hamfest = fleamarket for ham radio operators. Old radios, new radios, and projects that never got finished.] My son who is interested in nothing but video games likes to go with me, looks at the old computers, so it'll be a fun day off from work & school for us.
Picking up food and drinks. Got to go back home soon can’t miss too much of the game. Rocking my new Nike shoes too that I got on Sunday. Hate the company but shoe stores here suck so the choices are limited and I don’t buy shoes online. I’ve always been a Reebok guy or boot guy. Went and helped my special needs friend at his work today for a few minutes after I got off. Sold him a phone I had in my collection for his collection he really wanted it so I sold it to him for $100 I got it on eBay way less so I am happy and he is too. He called T-Mobile today his new phone company trying to get a number without a 2 in it. I’d say they assume he is crazy lol. They kept explaining to him that the numbers are computer generated they don’t let you pick at T-Mobile at least they didn’t at this one. The guy was being polite as possible but I think he was getting annoyed so I had to explain to him that there is no number that is “unmanly” I told him I’ll sell him my phone number for $10k because it has no 2s lol. He has literally had T-Mobile for a day and has had three numbers. I told him to stay on his parents family plan at Verizon but he was dead set on getting his own. With all the add ons and phone payment it’s $94 a month for him. I pay $30 for my part of the plan.
I mail order shoes from Amazon. Yes, I have a great UPS store 2.8 miles away near my favorite grocery store. Recently it has taken 5 pairs total to get shoes that say they are wide width, that really are. The end result was worth the struggle. Found some Skecher's that were only $47 that were slip-on not slip-in that are so highly promoted. The ones I bought are styled just like the fancy slip-ins. I tried the slip-in's but they are heavier and hit my feet in all the wrong places. Two pair of less supportive slip-on's didn't even make it across the living room carpet twice. YMMV

Although I do understand not liking mail order, Amazon ect when returns are not convenient.
I just ordered new Reeboks tonight. I know my size in Reeboks so why not order them. I may go to the New Balance store and check out their few models still made in USA also.
No baseball tonight unfortunately or tomorrow so I’m kinda bored lol. Reading about financial stuff and making sure all of my debt gets paid in a timely manner. Gotta finish reading my book sometime. Probably will go to Walmart later since it’s my parents favorite place. I am not spending anymore money though so I’ll still go but only to look. Nothing at Walmart really interests me anyway cheap tools and baseball equipment that isn’t great. I can’t get a Walmart credit card since it’s through Capital One which is one of my cards so no need to worry about that lol. Only will buy two things deodorant and some new underwear 🤣 cause I need some new ones haha. Next weekend I’ll try and get a second pair of shoes. I wore mine out in 4 months just having one pair so I need two pairs bought one last weekend. Going to try to find Reebok this time. I don’t order shoes online just because we have had issues in the past.
Shopping Temu for trunk organizers (lightning sale? more Chinese junk I don't need). Tried to get my son's new-to-him Macbook to boot to bios so we could enable it to boot from USB, no go yet. About to bring up my new to me computer and see if I can get that boot from USB and try out Linux on that machine.
No baseball tonight unfortunately or tomorrow so I’m kinda bored lol. Reading about financial stuff and making sure all of my debt gets paid in a timely manner. Gotta finish reading my book sometime. Probably will go to Walmart later since it’s my parents favorite place. I am not spending anymore money though so I’ll still go but only to look. Nothing at Walmart really interests me anyway cheap tools and baseball equipment that isn’t great. I can’t get a Walmart credit card since it’s through Capital One which is one of my cards so no need to worry about that lol. Only will buy two things deodorant and some new underwear 🤣 cause I need some new ones haha. Next weekend I’ll try and get a second pair of shoes. I wore mine out in 4 months just having one pair so I need two pairs bought one last weekend. Going to try to find Reebok this time. I don’t order shoes online just because we have had issues in the past.
Do you have a pair of Reebok now? Do they fit correctly? Look at the tongue and order the same size on reebok.com. Works every time. At least for several times I've ordered in the last several years.