What are you doing right now?

Just picked up my daughter after her first marathon. First place in ladies 1 to 19 years


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Sitting at the computer, wrapped in layers, because one of my coworkers was kind enough to bring in a cold his daughter dragged home from school, and share it with the office. Had a fever that started Friday night and ran all day yesterday, but seems to have left last night, as I don't have one today. Dry cough, lots of snot. Good times.
Well, just tested, because my mom has her knee surgery coming up, and SURPRISE! It's COVID! Yay!! Thanks guy!
Just picked up Chinese food. Now going to get sodas and go home and watch game 1 of the ALCS between the Rangers and Astros. Go both teams but it will be nice if Texas Rangers go to World Series instead of Houston that’s went the last few years or whatever. After that taking some cash to the bank to make credit card payments. Traded in my change to mom and the gas station.
Working a 12hr dayshift today. Don't go back to nights until the 25th. Get some rest.
Well looks like not going back on nights until the 25th is no longer a true statement. Another senior is stuck in India & not able to make it back in time for his shifts. Not official yet but looking at the schedule, I'm the only one available to cover for this coming Friday & Saturday night shifts.

Have a hotel room booked for Friday night as my son has a Water Polo tournament & my wife already made plans to have people over Sunday for Brunch & football. Looks like I'll be missing my sons tournament & will get home at 0630 on Sunday morning prior to guests arriving at 0930-1000. Fun times 🤦‍♂️
Right now having a debate on another forum about useless things. So far landlines and pennies are winning haha 😂. Does anyone still have a landline besides businesses and my 99 year old neighbors? We cut ours off on 2013 when I got a cellphone. Then we had to cut it back on when dad got his business license as it was required by the company or agency or whatever and then we cut it off again after they said it was fine to have an extra cellphone for it. My coworker who lives way out in the boonies in his cabin does but that’s because his cheap Tracfone doesn’t pick up and he wants to keep the old timely look so the landline fits in well. Personally I don’t talk on the phone so landlines are definitely useless this is the 21st century we don’t talk we text. At least my generation does lol. I said landlines and cashiers are useless because I can’t stand someone else ringing me up at the store and I don’t like interacting with others. They need to completely convert to all self checkouts.
Conversation is far superior to texting. You don't get tone of voice and nuances with texts. It takes longer to type on a ridiculous phone keypad than to talk in a conversation. Self checkout is a pain. If I wanted to be a checker I'd apply for that job. And self checkout puts people out of their jobs. We might as well get robot auto mechanics to fix cars like they build them and we can fire all the human mechanics then. Why do we need them if we can either make people fix their own car or automate it?
Right now having a debate on another forum about useless things. So far landlines and pennies are winning haha 😂. Does anyone still have a landline besides businesses and my 99 year old neighbors? We cut ours off on 2013 when I got a cellphone. Then we had to cut it back on when dad got his business license as it was required by the company or agency or whatever and then we cut it off again after they said it was fine to have an extra cellphone for it. My coworker who lives way out in the boonies in his cabin does but that’s because his cheap Tracfone doesn’t pick up and he wants to keep the old timely look so the landline fits in well. Personally I don’t talk on the phone so landlines are definitely useless this is the 21st century we don’t talk we text. At least my generation does lol. I said landlines and cashiers are useless because I can’t stand someone else ringing me up at the store and I don’t like interacting with others. They need to completely convert to all self checkouts.
During a widespread blackout that cell phone will be useless. Landlines have reliability on their side.

I also prefer to go to an actual checker at the grocery or hardware store. Keeps people employed

Technology is all well & good but I’ve seen first hand the degradation of results when implemented. As just a singular example, I used to work for a large utility that consolidated AOR’s (areas of responsibility). Due to implementing new technologies, what used to be 3 separate 8 man crews in 3 neighboring geographic locations, became a single 8 man crew operating from a remote location. The control area became so large that once the experienced operators left or retired, the intricacies of each area were lost. That knowledge base was lost & the new area was FAR too large to ever get it back. This results in more errors & delayed restoration times. With the new control systems, initial responses are faster as are notification’s. Those just so happen to the the heavily weighted metrics used to justify the staff reductions.

That was a very high stress environment. 8 people doing the work of what 24 used to do. Add to that we were short staffed with only 5 & things compounded. Overtime was out of control & people were always tired & on edge.

No thank you. Went back to a better staffed entity that operates in the dinosaur era 😂
During a widespread blackout that cell phone will be useless. Landlines have reliability on their side.

I also prefer to go to an actual checker at the grocery or hardware store. Keeps people employed

Technology is all well & good but I’ve seen first hand the degradation of results when implemented. As just a singular example, I used to work for a large utility that consolidated AOR’s (areas of responsibility). Due to implementing new technologies, what used to be 3 separate 8 man crews in 3 neighboring geographic locations, became a single 8 man crew operating from a remote location. The control area became so large that once the experienced operators left or retired, the intricacies of each area were lost. That knowledge base was lost & the new area was FAR too large to ever get it back. This results in more errors & delayed restoration times. With the new control systems, initial responses are faster as are notification’s. Those just so happen to the the heavily weighted metrics used to justify the staff reductions.

That was a very high stress environment. 8 people doing the work of what 24 used to do. Add to that we were short staffed with only 5 & things compounded. Overtime was out of control & people were always tired & on edge.

No thank you. Went back to a better staffed entity that operates in the dinosaur era 😂
Stupid question but I’m young so I don’t know…. Don’t landlines work on the same towers as the cell phones? I was always told they did. But if not I’m sure they could take out whatever they run off of too.
Stupid question but I’m young so I don’t know…. Don’t landlines work on the same towers as the cell phones? I was always told they did. But if not I’m sure they could take out whatever they run off of too.
No, they don't. The towers connect to the same infrastructure as the old land lines do. Those towers are just the "wifi" part of the system to put into familiar terms.