What are you doing right now?

Just left Walgreens. Mom looking for Halls Mini cough drops to keep at work. Couldn’t find them not sure if they even make them anymore. Going to go home and relax maybe watch some TV before hitting the hay for work tomorrow. Hoping for a day off on Tuesday since it’s supposed to snow.
Eating Chinese food for the third day in a row. Paradise for me I love Chinese food. Everyone else I know is home watching football I’m like no way for me I’ll eat my Chinese with my parents who are now addicting themselves to my Netflix account since I can have 6 devices signed in at once lol.
I hope if you use it while out you use headphones because nobody wants to listen to someone else's noise from tv/movie/game/whatever when they are out in public. Or their phone calls on speaker either for that matter.
I hope if you use it while out you use headphones because nobody wants to listen to someone else's noise from tv/movie/game/whatever when they are out in public. Or their phone calls on speaker either for that matter.
Oh yes I use my AirPods. I hate hearing others videos or calls or whatever that’s so annoying.
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I’m chilling at work. It’s snowing outside and freezing. Roads very icy at the current moment. Not doing anything because there is no work. I anticipate they will be sending us home early. Probably closed tomorrow because it’s supposed to continue till 8am tomorrow and won’t be above freezing till then. I was really surprised they wanted us to come in today. Had a few close calls on the way here.
Lunch. Then back to an oil change and tire rotation. Have to check the brakes while at, hearing complaints about noise. Garage is cold, should turn heater back on (turned off for lunch).

Should be car shopping but I have grown to hate it… next week promises “fun”, four people with different places to be.
Just finished setting up Libbyapp.com so I can now check out ebooks from my local and the Houston Public Library systems directly into my Kindle and Kobo ereaders!
Just got done with the CRV oil change, needs pads and rotors, so time to do some brake shopping.
Just sat down for dinner at home. It’s snowing like mad here. Almost wrecked 3 times on the way home. If they don’t cancel work tomorrow I’m going to have to call in. My nerves are shot from driving home. In 30 miles I seen 4 wrecks one of which was my friend. He is ok.
In 30 miles I seen 4 wrecks one of which was my friend. He is ok
I remember driving home one night, friend was driving behind me, when suddenly his headlights did a bit swinging arc. I thought he was fooling around, had the girlfriend with him and all. When he didn't catch up a mile or two later, I doubled back. Sure enough his RWD mini-pickup had elected to do a 180 on him.

Number of years ago, I mistimed a storm and got to drive in it. Of course that meant driving as fast as I dared before it "got bad". Well, the roads were getting bad, and I started to wonder if it was time to pull back. Tenth of a mile or so ahead of me, watched an Exploder do a 360... decided that it was time back off a bit.

Almost got the Corolla sideways the other day, patch of black ice. It happens. [I might drive a bit aggressive, but I do live in the area, so... familiarity breeds contempt.]
Trying my hand at "welding" plastic, daughter has this fan that she uses in dance, apparently she dropped it, landed on it, whatever. I'm probably spending an hour fixing it, and it's probably a $3 item from China (sure broke like one).
Me and most of the crew just called into work. Roads are still covered here and lots of black ice on the main roads. No way I’m risking my life especially after almost wrecking last night cause they wouldn’t let us go early. Usually they are good about closing up for weather. First time ever in my life that I’ve called in but I want to see tomorrow.
Sitting in the metra train, just struck a car that stalled on the tracks, I heard the driver jumped out of the vehicle. Guess I shoulda driven into the office today.

Edit: The amount of people in the street that stopped to take a picture is ridiculous.

Since I sit up at the front car, heard the engineer say they narrowly missed another car yesterday by a few inches, a few crossings away.

Edit 2: the work van looked to be in pretty good shape considering the train was doing probably 40mph when it hit.

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Just at work. I decided to come in at 10. Just going to be nervous leaving because of black ice. It would be nice if they closed tomorrow. Obviously they care nothing about our safety. I’ll go to bed earlier tonight though in case. I went to bed way late last night anticipating they would call off work. We are doing nothing. All but 2 appointments canceled today.