What are you doing right now?

Going to get breakfast then wait on my friend to pick me up. He is coming to my town from our work town so he can go to the mall and go to Lids and the shoe store. I am going with him cause I never get to go anywhere with my friends so it will be nice to have some time with my friends. My other coworker is coming too. They collect shoes so they are looking for some Nike shoes called Jordan’s or something? I don’t judge cause I collect some weird things but who collects shoes? I guess to each their own lol.
I just finished putting together a new workout plan for the next few months. I mix it up a little every three months and make major changes every 2 years or so. I run less now but I swim more. Other workouts remain the same but I'm switching to myo-reps and more recovery workouts. I'm trying to be as efficient as I can.
Getting ready to watch the Cleveland Browns play the Houston Texans...Go Browns....
That’s going to be an interesting game considering it’s the play offs and neither one has ever appeared in a Super Bowl. I don’t have a football team so I don’t know anything about either but Cleveland has a cooler name so go Browns lol. My friend is projecting a Browns- Lions Super Bowl. Sounds pretty unlikely to me though. But I don’t know anything about any team so I just like to hear other people’s projections.
That’s going to be an interesting game considering it’s the play offs and neither one has ever appeared in a Super Bowl. I don’t have a football team so I don’t know anything about either but Cleveland has a cooler name so go Browns lol. My friend is projecting a Browns- Lions Super Bowl. Sounds pretty unlikely to me though. But I don’t know anything about any team so I just like to hear other people’s projections.
Well it looks like the Browns season is over...:(
Browns are getting smoked 🔥 right now. Cleveland 14, Houston 44.
Yeah I see that lol. I’m watching the game at a restaurant now. I’ll be honest I even tuned in for the start at home and the Browns were doing good. Football isn’t my thing but I wanted to see how it started out at the beginning of the game. That’s my extent of watching football for awhile lol. Maybe dad’s Dolphins will win against the Chiefs. Time for baseball season for me lol.
Trying to plan out my day, slept in, had breakfast, now what.

Trying to figure out this semester, want my son to commute more to school, but lacking a car in the stable. Wasted yesterday doing nothing, need to get off my rump.

Edit: pulled out my free laptop, to see if I want to use that more. Seems to work. Unlike my bifocals, which are out of prescription (bought a cheap pair a few years ago to try out).
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I’m bored waiting on dad to get up so I’ve been watching The George Lopez Show. I forgot how funny some of the episodes actually are. Also deciding what brand of peanut butter to get this week cause I’m so bored lol 😂. For lunch this week I’m taking a peanut butter, apple butter and banana sandwich. Crunchy peanut butter only of course. I love being able to stream shows on demand now. I’ve been catching up on a lot of shows that I’ve just not seen on cable in a long time.
Worthless NFL only aired the game in the two teams cities. Anyone else had to pay to watch it on Peacock. Another reason to hate and boycott the NFL.
I have been watching the NFL since the AFL and NFL were competing organizations. Then they merged and invented the SuperBowl.
So at least 50 years watching them and each year (past 10) what I see them doing is turning the game almost into something like the old (fake-fixed )Championship Wrestling. There are so many bad officials, too many bad calls affecting the outcome of games to satisfy the commissioner's whims these days. Just like the year he manipulated the Rams a Super Bowl title to repay the owner who built a big new stadium. I could list a host of things that make the NFL of today almost unwatchable compared to how good and enertaining the game was before they started to manipulate it for their reasons and now gambling out comes. Plus the greed for so much money I am surprised they can still fill stadiums at the prices.
Eating Chinese food for the third day in a row. Paradise for me I love Chinese food. Everyone else I know is home watching football I’m like no way for me I’ll eat my Chinese with my parents who are now addicting themselves to my Netflix account since I can have 6 devices signed in at once lol.