What are you doing right now?

Cleaning car windows. Was going to do a tire rotation on the wife's car, only to realize--I took the only set of spares that I have and put onto a different car. Don't feel like digging the spare out, lifting/dropping 5 times, might have to pay for this rotation. Doh! Will move onto other chores.

Did get a new tarp over the riding mower for the winter, got a tarp haphazardly put onto the 4wheeler/plow setup so it'll be ready for next snow. Enjoying the last bits of the weekend, I guess, before life goes back to normal on Monday.
Dad is 63 and mom is 55. The healthiest thing I eat is Chipotle that is one delicious restaurant. I hate going there but the food is good.
If you aren't picking up what @Pablo is putting down here, your family's eating habits and attitude have a considerable influence on your parent's decline in mobility and other aspects of their health and by extension, your living situation. My dad is 71, a prostate cancer survivor, has had a knee replaced, and he's probably got more activity in by lunch than you guys do in a week. Look at people that are probably somewhere around your parent's age on this forum that are comfortable and successful like @Astro14, @JeffKeryk, @UncleDave, @Pablo ...etc. What do they all have in common?

Success is built, you have to work for it, and the same goes with health, and those things go hand-in-hand. Both my parents cooked when I was growing up, eating out was a treat. My dad was, and still is, a fantastic baker, and both prepare delicious meals, together, as a team. Eating out is still a treat. Their work ethic and discipline brought them considerable success and wealth, which has led to a very comfortable retirement, just like the members I've mentioned, and there are many others on here.

It's hard to elevate yourself and your situation if you can't, or won't, see the problem. I've observed, and chimed-in myself at times, many people trying to help you recognize this and address it. You seem to knee-jerk to just stating that this is your situation and your circumstances, dismissing this advice and embracing mediocrity as inevitable. This is despite people putting in considerable effort to tell you otherwise and guide you toward something more. Nobody on here wants to you see you fail, nobody wants you to be having a heart attack when you are 36 because you didn't look after yourself. I strongly encourage you to start taking to heart the advice that successful people here are giving you, but that also involves you deciding that you want more for yourself.
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Drove to Petaluma, beautiful morning got over the GG as the sun was rising. Cleaned the eaves; thought I had my 8' ladder but the 6' did the trick. Lotta heavy sludge. Neighbor's tree is bare so all good.
I've learned the hard way that 1A battery tenders are a joke for cars. Brought my thousand year old charger and a 4.5A tender (Costco). I love this Acura. Dang thing's perfect.

Coming home we stopped in San Bruno for a quick top off. Driving the Model 3 the 180-200 miles for a few bucks streaming the Allman Brothers on a beautiful November day ROCKS! Didn't have to stop but you pick up a little Skyline before merging back on to 280 South.
Just riding around town. Going to pick up dinner and go home to watch SpongeBob. Nice to be able to catch up on it now that I can stream. I stayed up till almost 4 watching it last night lol.
Drove to Petaluma, beautiful morning got over the GG as the sun was rising. Cleaned the eaves; thought I had my 8' ladder but the 6' did the trick. Lotta heavy sludge. Neighbor's tree is bare so all good.
I've learned the hard way that 1A battery tenders are a joke for cars. Brought my thousand year old charger and a 4.5A tender (Costco). I love this Acura. Dang thing's perfect.

Coming home we stopped in San Bruno for a quick top off. Driving the Model 3 the 180-200 miles for a few bucks streaming the Allman Brothers on a beautiful November day ROCKS! Didn't have to stop but you pick up a little Skyline before merging back on to 280 South.
You didn't get a burnt almond cake at Lunardi's!
Just brought my old tv to my friends house to give him as an early Christmas gift. His parents split up and he had to give up his tv so I wanted to give him one. We had an old one just sitting in my closet so I got that and a Roku stick for him. It wasn’t doing me any good just sitting there and I’m too cheap to get another cable box for my room. I just use Roku on my new tv. I helped him set it up. He gave me a hug and fist bump. He has special needs so I always try to work with him and help him when I can. His mom was grateful as well. Now we can be SpongeBob friends lol 😂. The graphics on that tv suck compared to mine and my parents tvs lol. The tv was a 2012 model Toshiba. Now I’m picking up Chinese food and going to go home and eat and then go back out to the store and then watch tv and go to bed for the ending of the 4 day weekend.
I’m chilling watching tv as I wind down for the night. I don’t want to go back to work tomorrow lol. Alarm is set so I guess I’ll be ready again at 5:45 tomorrow lol.
Just working. Finally slowed down. Almost lunch time. I just moved a bunch of money over to my savings. I’m saving for two things. One I plan to have by my birthday in April. They are both big things but the biggest is a car. The other thing is a MacBook Pro because my old 2015 Lenovo is slow and no longer supported. That’s the thing I want by my birthday. I’m tired of Windows too. I want something compatible with my phone. Saving up for both so there is no debt established or minimal debt. Honestly I’m not opposed to a couple year old refurbished MacBook Pro either so that’s an option too. But my friend brought his in today and I played with it for a bit. So much better than any Windows laptop.
On hold with accounts payable for a company that i do contractor work for here in Houston. lousy rats aren't paying me.
Picking up some Chick Fil A. I wanted Chinese food but Chick Fil A is alright lol. Going to go home and watch tv 📺 and then go back out to get sodas and hang at the gas station for a bit.
Trying to stay warm in the dark posting this and listsning to the house make noises as it keeps cooling down since the power went out 7 hours ago. :rolleyes: 😵‍💫