Watch out, being oblivious will get ya

Jul 14, 2020
Yesterday, I was driving back to the southside of Atlanta from a couple of job site visits in Atlanta and NW suburbs. I was on I-85 about 5 miles south of the airport, running 75-80 MPH (barely keeping up with the passenger cars), I was not "slow-poking", I had worked my way over to the left lane, as I always run this in this area because I am usually keeping up with/driving faster than most traffic, I have no intention of exiting and most of the heavy truck traffic is in the right 3 lanes.

You have to understand this was about 3:15 PM, 4 lanes of traffic, the road is basically full of vehicles running 70-85 MPH at this time.

I came up on a "chip truck", a trailer that has a mesh rear gate in the back, usually filthy, hauled by a day cab that ain't much better. These are, in my 30+ years of observation on the roads, usually the worst-condition commercial vehicles on the roads. I noticed the left rear tire was flat and starting to come apart. Small bits of rubber were coming off, but the tire had not disintegrated yet.

I backed off the throttle, which I'm sure immediately sent the vehicles behind me into an orbit of ultra frustration, as they started diving to the right and scurrying around me as fast as they could. All the while, the tire continues to destroy itself, the chunks of rubber start getting larger and larger. I continue backing off, I'm trying desperately to move to the right but the oblivious drivers can't look farther down the road than 3' past their hood...

I finally get to start moving right....all of the sudden, the truck moves to the far left lane! I don't know why, I'm sure it wasn't because he was trying to shield other drivers from the tire. He moves back to the second left lane. Cars continue to fly past cars behind him, some have now realized the tire will soon come flailing off and become a large piece of debris. Lots of expensive cars and trucks, one is a fairly new Porsche. The Porsche driver is completely oblivious and I see him move closer to the truck and into the left lane.

Holy cow, there's a HUGE cloud of dirt/dust erupting from the rear of the truck, instantly blinding anyone within 40' of the left side and rear of the truck. It's a massive cloud of dust.... I'm in the second right lane now, I've moved completely across all lanes of travel. I see people hit the brakes, I'm suddenly past the truck and all the people trying to pass him.

Just a little bit of curiosity and paying attention would have saved a lot of them from being sprayed with dirt, dust and large rubber pieces bombing their vehicles....
That’s why I refuse to drive in back of these types of trucks and be in La La not driving defensive.

I’ve driven about one million miles and seen many dumb drivers not paying attention on highway.

*** Edit ***
A few years ago I was headed back home from grocery store around 7:20 AM.
An idiot Lance Armstrong wannabe blew through a red light (I had the green light) and LUCKILY my head is on a swivel as I approach all intersections and I immediately hit the brakes.

I came to a stop and missed him by 2-3 feet. He had ear pods on and didn’t hear me blowing my horn to warn him. 😤😠😡🤬

He would have been in a body bag if I wasn’t alert and driving defensively. The family would have to identify his body at the county morgue.
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Great work, you have to drive the other people around you.

I once had a Cadillac tailgating me really close and suddenly a traffic cone appears in the fast lane. I'm doing 75ish and dodge the cone but the Caddy hit it, must have sustained damage from that strike.

I usually report at least 1 stalled vehicle or more on my trips via Google Maps and "object in the road" occasionally.
I hate driving in and around Atlanta. One time, I was on I-20 heading east. I always pay attention to what’s around me. I see a pickup truck bed liner in the lane ahead of me. I was able to change lanes before hitting it. I don’t know how the car behind me made out.
We have lots of pedestrian crossings along even multilane streets. We have to stop if a pedestrian sets foot onto the roadway. People tend to go twice the speed limit in town. If one car stops for a pedestrian there's a >90% chance the car or cars one lane over won't stop but they will speed right through the crosswalk mowing down the pedestrian if he takes his chances. There's also a high chance of getting rear-ended when slowing down or stopping for a pedestrian. Like has already been said, most drivers don't look ahead farther than the vehicle in front of them and many don't keep a safe distance. Don't get me started on 4-way stops. If you come to a hard stop it's everyone else first. Wild West driving!
Was there any smell of burning rubber as the idiot's tire failed? Usually if I smell that my eyes get hyper focused on who's going to try to ruin my day.
Ahhh, I'm guessing you were around the Union City or Peachtree City exits? That section of road is a mess around 3 PM and it's truly a "every man for himself" commute.
That’s why I refuse to drive in back of these types of trucks and be in La La not driving defensive.

I’ve driven about one million miles and seen many dumb drivers not paying attention on highway.

*** Edit ***
A few years ago I was headed back home from grocery store around 7:20 AM.
An idiot Lance Armstrong wannabe blew through a red light (I had the green light) and LUCKILY my head is on a swivel as I approach all intersections and I immediately hit the brakes.

I came to a stop and missed him by 2-3 feet. He had ear pods on and didn’t hear me blowing my horn to warn him. 😤😠😡🤬

He would have been in a body bag if I wasn’t alert and driving defensively. The family would have to identify his body at the county morgue.
Sometimes, stupid needs to hurt.
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I hate driving in and around Atlanta. One time, I was on I-20 heading east. I always pay attention to what’s around me. I see a pickup truck bed liner in the lane ahead of me. I was able to change lanes before hitting it. I don’t know how the car behind me made out.
Same here but it was a trash can (grey plastic 55 gal)
I drive as far ahead of my vehicle is I can. And I constantly see situations where there are many brake lights showing ahead of me where there is a traffic light around the next Bend and I'm off the gas letting my vehicle Coast down and somebody behind me has to zoom past me and then slam on the brakes when they get closer to the vehicles that have already slowed down to a crawl that are approaching the light. So many people want to be driving as Tailgaters doing way over speed limit and not having a clue about what's far ahead of them even when all you have to do is look down the road to see what's going on.

I like to open my vehicle up and let it cruise at a good clip when the situation allows it, but when traffic and traffic lights provide nothing but a roadblock ahead why stay on the gas when you know that you will be decelerating in a few seconds.

The other drivers don't drive that far ahead, so they get frustrated when I ease off the gas and they think I should still be going along at a few miles an hour over the speed limit. Then they quickly change lanes which in itself is asking for an accident, and zoom ahead and then slam on the brakes. I see it practically every day that I drive.
I can't count the amount of people that do borderline crazy overtake manoevres to then either pull off the road at their destination (within seconds) or end up going slower than I was in my car or bus I get that it's no fun to drive behind a bus, as it blocks the view of the road ahead, but they're not thinking or looking ahead anyway..
I've had two very big incidents happen in front of me. One was a very large boat that popped it's hitch and snapped the chain as we were going down an on ramp at night. I could see sparks at first and just thought the chain was dragging and then 4th of July happened underneath it! Oddly enough, the angle of the road steered the boat off to the side as if it was being driven! The other was a clam-shell dump semi. I don't know what the driver was doing, but somehow dumped a load of gravely dirt on the freeway at about 60-65 mph. I was in a loaner car and went around on the right, got a number of of the few who could still see! Looked in the rear view and it was a massive dust cloud. I never heard anything about it on the news, but it must have been chaos!