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&6.5m and 14 years. They have achieved the impossible. I've been following this daily for years. The U.S govt should be thanked for kicking off the restoration with a donation of $600,000 as long as they get it for testing (was way before it's time) Here's a few video's. Meg Ryan is a bonus. Listen for the 'howl' which is a resonance in the intakes, once heard never forgotten. Big volume required
Simply awesome.
It certainly is. I just played it through some decent speakers and I think I have damaged the house foundations. Anybody apart from Mori and myself seen/felt a Vulcan live?

I once was very close to a C17 doing what I think was a short-field take-off: pilot applied brakes, ran engines up to full throttle, stayed stopped for a few seconds, and then released. It seemed way too slow to take off when he pulled back. Very loud, very cool. No intake resonance like the Vulcan, however...

while i was in the airforce stationed in england usaf i was working one weekend and the vulcan bomber was practicing the manoucers it was going to do for the air show well it did more extream workout than what was required. i will never forget the sounds of the intake sucking air 50 feet above the ground on full military power
It doesn't sound like it's man made. I've seen people crying they were so scared. As the U.S govt kicked off the restoration maybe there's a chance it will visit the U.S again.
Back in 1982 I was living in Belgium and remember seeing a Vulcan doing manuvers. Was that plane part of the Belgium Air Force or was it a Brittish plane allowed to fly over Belgium? It's been a long time , but I sorta remembered it was smoking a lot and I did'nt feel too comfortable with it flying so low!
I got to see a Vulcan when I was a kid. The local SAC base had an air show, and the Vulcan did put on a nice show. Walking along at those military planes was impressive to a kid, though I did like the historical piston engine aircraft sound better than the jet roar.
I'm so pleased that you posted that. Now that I have done a couple of plays and dried my eyes I can say that I love that thing even more. It's a shame that there aren't more of them.
Originally Posted By: tom slick
newer fuels don't smoke as much as the older ones. Older jet engines smoke regardless of their state of tune.

Due to advances in combustor design among other improvements. I like to watch old footage of early B-52's take off, cartridge starters and all. Looks like an oil well fire.

Vulcans are absolutely awesome, the wing area qualifies it as an aluminum overcast!
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