Voyager 1 up and running again! 47 years and 15 BILLIONS miles from earth.

well no oxygen and no electrolytes. it's not exactly the rust belt lol
That is true, but electronics in space have a propensity to "Outgas", or "offgas", which means the elements used to make these things gets sucked into space via the vacuum environment and the component degrades. It wouldn't surprise me if that was the reason for the mentioned memory failure.

46 years in space and still working is crazy. I wonder how many that worked on the original are still alive to see it. They should be immensely proud of their work.
I find it interesting that it's that far away and hasn't hit anything yet. Google said it's going 38,000 mph. An ice cube would do quite the damage I'd think.
Yes even more impressive is these craft are still operating at the temperature of outer space which is, get this.
455f degrees below zero.
(Four hundred fifty five degrees below zero Fahrenheit)
Here is a short screen shot describing their source of power. Enjoy.

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The way in which we spray out communications over a wide band of frequencies would mean that anyone out there already knows where we are.
Giving them a road map would hardly seem to make things any worse.
Then there is SETI, which intentionally targets various galaxies, so if they have the technology and the interest, they can easily find us. Heck, they could be on their way right now.
We seem to assume that extra-solar intelligent life would be peaceful and wise, but we should ask ourselves just how often has our own supposedly intelligent world not had armed conflict somewhere on some level throughout human history.

Our “spraying out” of signals has only been going on for about 100 years. This means, that even if we assume all these signals have the power to travel the universe, which they don’t, we can only be heard in a 100 light year radius.

This essentially means no one has heard us and will not hears us for thousands of years.
Our “spraying out” of signals has only been going on for about 100 years. This means, that even if we assume all these signals have the power to travel the universe, which they don’t, we can only be heard in a 100 light year radius.

This essentially means no one has heard us and will not hears us for thousands of years.
You mean there's hope?
Of course not. Thousands of years into the future, we may be extinct.
Also, “whomever” receives our signals and decides to reply back, it will take the same amount of time to send it back to us.
Well I meant the aliens are not here NOW to dine on us. You know, "How to SERVE man"
Why are we worried about a device 47 years old with outdated technology. We have enough problems on earth to fix.
The only reason we have todays technology on earth is yesterdays technology and what we learn from it. Being able to take measurements from outside our solar system is amazing. Not only that, learning how the design of components, materials and instruments lasted 47 years way longer than their expected time frame.

Im not aware of "enough" problems to fix on earth. Sounds like media hype that you are buying into. Our advances in science has made life on earth more easy in the history of all mankind. To take it a step further. This is all due to advances in science and much of that born from our space program.
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