why is Castrol GTX so dark in colour??
All the oils are compatible...but, it's best to keep one brand of oil in the engine at a time. Each brand of oil, and each line within that brand might have a specific package of additives and they work best when they're not mixed with other additives. (I'm referring to the additives that the refiner adds to create the final oil product, not to stuff you buy off the shelf to add--but don't use that stuff either.)quote:
Originally posted by 91grandam:
I also remember hearing somewhere that certain oils can't be mixed together (can't use brand B in motor that already has used brand A). Is that true? Would it be a problem if I switched to Castol GTX? Is that the oil you guys recomend?
Thanks again!
I know this is slightly off topic, but I really hate checking the oil with a dipstick. Half the cars I own have been a pain to check, you can't always get an accurate reading (unless the stick has holes in it, and then that makes it way better) I really wish more cars came with an oil level gauge, I believe some Porsche 911s used to come this way.quote:
Originally posted by csandste:
Totally clear oil isn't a big plus IMHO. Makes it hard to see on the dipstick.