I am not worried about or even mentioned seals.
I would be concerned about running hot oil with something that thins it out even more. They is why many of the flushing products were 'cold engine' 5-15 minute flushes. Now, they don't mention 'cold engine'. Guess they had to cater to the quicklubes that only work on hot/warm engines from being driven there.
Unless there is some issue, I wouldn't bother. Easier to adapt a more sensible oil change and not worry about distillate flushes. Would be interesting to see if MPG, idle smoothness, pep, whatever... improves or not. A well cared car shouldn't notice much difference.
BG 109 is even thinner than the Valvoline stuff. Amsoil too is pretty thin.
I haven't seen any work better than any other. Local autopart stores carry these, and walmart usually has one for $5-7.
STP® Synthetic Engine Flush deep cleans the engine for a better oil change
A highly effective formulation designed for quick and safe removal of deposits in engines before an oil change. Optimizes oil consumption, guarantees proper oil pressure in hydraulically activated systems and ensures proper oil flow after a cold start. Allows the fresh oil to immediately develop...
STP® Synthetic Engine Flush deep cleans the engine for a better oil change