Unusual intruder shooting case

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Especially after baiting someone into the garage...

I guess the bottom line is if the student wasn't trespassing in someone else's garage, he wouldn't have been shot.

Odd story to be sure.
Seems alot like hunting to me... Bait, then wait... Not home defense.

I feel for the home owner getting broken into a few times, but he clearly is mentally unstable and dangerous. He should get lots of time IMO.

For all we know, the clueless foreigner was going to knock on the door and tell them they left their purse out?
I'm a strong proponent of self defense etc.,but this as wayyyy stupid....hunting over bait is illegal.

Dude should have called the cops."hey i got a burglar trapped in my garage".Not fired blindly into the garage.Although the little cretin should not have been in the man's garage.A healthy buttock whuppin would have been sufficient.or a load of birdshot as he ran away.

My brother did that back in the 70's to a pair of neighborhood hooligans who were running off with my dads outboard motor.A load of birdshot into the buttocks at 40 yards or so convinced them to drop the motor and speed away.The deputy we called got a good laugh and went to have a talk with the two.IIRC one ended up in prison and one left town later.
Originally Posted By: Pop_Rivit
It will be interesting to see the outcome.

Indeed. If that article recounted the facts correctly, he set a booby trap. Sounds like murder to me.
Although I firmly believe you should be able to defend your home, seems to me this guy may be wrong.

He baited. MT law says you can use deadly force if you "reasonably believe" someone is trying to harm you.

We will never know what actually transpired in the garage, whether the homeowner just blazed away, vs being threatened, the victim was trying to return the purse, or at a stretch, the victim was actually stealing from the homeowner. We can't know.

One can certainly understand the homeowner's rage at being repeatedly robbed. I get it. But before shooting someone, I would choose to get them on videotape and prosecute.
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But, wasn't it crazy Uncle Joe that said a double barrel is all you need, and you should just blindly fire some warning blasts?

Maybe he'll play the Biden card for his defense. It'll probably have to work better than the truth.
I think it's pretty clear why someone is in someone else's garage at midnight.

It's a shame as the punishment is so much more severe than the (obvious to me) crime. And I would assume there will be charges against the homeowner as it isn't clear from the initial facts that he was in any danger, obviously he felt safe enough to exit the home and go to the garage.
Celal Dede said he would not have allowed his son to study in the US had he been aware of the lenient gun laws.

Translation: [censored], it's safer to steal in Germany.

I wonder if the burglaries stopped after that.

None of that would happen if police bothered to investigate the burglaries in the first place.
Originally Posted By: bepperb
I think it's pretty clear why someone is in someone else's garage at midnight.

It depends on what state you live in. Here in SC and other states the "Castle Law" is very broad, and includes the property owner's right to defend the property alone, with deadly force if necessary.

It's time for criminals to know that it is open season on thieves.

If you choose to steal, you pay the price, perhaps with your life.
That will deter 99% of the bums from attempting it.
I have no problem allowing someone to defend their home with deadly force. But to purposely bait and hunt?

That is over the line IMO. If this is indeed the case.
Originally Posted By: dave1251
I have no problem allowing someone to defend their home with deadly force. But to purposely bait and hunt?

How many times did these bozos visit his garage and steal?
Turn about is fair play, they had NO business on his property, period. The perps chose to go where they darn well knew they had NO business being, and they paid the price, if I was on the jury I would automatically vote innocent of any crime.

As a side effect, it lets other similar low life bums know that it isn't worth the risk to steal. Amazing how word gets around about this kind of thing among thieves.
Why was he in there after dark/midnight? I can only think of one reason.
Garages are always 'baited'. There's stuff to steal that's why they are targeted. My garage has loads of good stuff to steal. One night I left it open by accident. Luckily it was all there the next morning.
Correct me if im wrong but isn't there a law in some states that if you leave your car unlocked and items get stolen it's your fault for not locking the car ? This case is strange, it's lose lose situation. What is this homeowner gaining by bating someone?? he got that brief joy of revenge and now he is probably going to spend his life in prison. Risk definitely not worth the reward.
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Originally Posted By: KD0AXS
Similar case here in MN. This guy was found guilty of first degree murder.


This is why:

Everyone around him rose to attention as jury members filed out of the Morrison County courtroom where during the tense, searing trial, they all had heard audio recordings of gunshots booming out, then of two teenagers groaning and screaming, then Smith muttering as they lay dead on his basement floor: “I don’t see them as human. I see them as vermin.”
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