Unclear it was done purposely my butt

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Originally Posted By: danthaman1980
My first thought was, the ref must have done something pretty terrible to make these kids decide to do that. A bad call or two happens, no way to avoid that, but this was something much more.

Maybe these two kids deserve some punishment. Or maybe the ref just got what was coming to him.

Probably his pride was hurt more than anything else.

Let the lawyers sort it out.

Bad calls or even a racial slur does not justify what those two did to the Ref. To even imply in any way shape or form he might have "just got what is coming to him" is ludicrous. Sorry to be so blunt but I can't believe anyone would even think that let alone say it.
Originally Posted By: danthaman1980
My first thought was, the ref must have done something pretty terrible to make these kids decide to do that. A bad call or two happens, no way to avoid that, but this was something much more.

Maybe these two kids deserve some punishment. Or maybe the ref just got what was coming to him.

Psychotic. Unless he raped and murdered the sister of one of those players, there is no excuse for what they did! They could have crippled him for life.

Probably his pride was hurt more than anything else.

If so, it's only by luck...he could have easily ended up paralyzed!
Originally Posted By: OneEyeJack
Those "boys" are not yet adults so the only problem here is to figure out what or who caused them to do this and place the blame there. They have counselors, social workers and teachers there to decide where the blame goes. It's a well established industry in place to relieve the parents from having to raise their own children. Getting away with this will prepare them for adulthood.
Originally Posted By: danthaman1980
My first thought was, the ref must have done something pretty terrible to make these kids decide to do that. A bad call or two happens, no way to avoid that, but this was something much more.

Maybe these two kids deserve some punishment. Or maybe the ref just got what was coming to him.

Probably his pride was hurt more than anything else.

Let the lawyers sort it out.
So the new definition of "sportsmanship" is "giving the ref what's coming to him"? Not around here...yet.
Sort of.

My wife is a school social worker. She will be one of the first to tell you it's usually the parents fault.

In this day and age, they have to document and get help. That's largely what she does as a social worker. Find resources and document what was done.

When some kindergarten girl had a meltdown and bit her, yes bit her, the child was gone from the school and not allowed to return until her behavior was addressed and corrected.

Her reasoning for being a social worker in Elementary school is it's pretty much the last chance to get a child on the right path.

If they are pulling those sorts of stunts when the arrive in high school, the behavior is largely shaped and difficult to change.

I'm not saying there are not touch-feely Dr Spock, blame everyone else but don't discipline the kids types out there. But most staffers I know inside the schools would like to have a bit more freedom to deliver some natural consequences to those unable to distinguish between right and wrong after being educated on the topic hundreds of times.

But too many parents will sue that Johnny's self esteem was bruised because you corrected his grammar in class.

Originally Posted By: HerrStig
Originally Posted By: OneEyeJack
Those "boys" are not yet adults so the only problem here is to figure out what or who caused them to do this and place the blame there. They have counselors, social workers and teachers there to decide where the blame goes. It's a well established industry in place to relieve the parents from having to raise their own children. Getting away with this will prepare them for adulthood.
Originally Posted By: NHHEMI
Originally Posted By: danthaman1980
My first thought was, the ref must have done something pretty terrible to make these kids decide to do that. A bad call or two happens, no way to avoid that, but this was something much more.

Maybe these two kids deserve some punishment. Or maybe the ref just got what was coming to him.

Probably his pride was hurt more than anything else.

Let the lawyers sort it out.

Bad calls or even a racial slur does not justify what those two did to the Ref. To even imply in any way shape or form he might have "just got what is coming to him" is ludicrous. Sorry to be so blunt but I can't believe anyone would even think that let alone say it.


Agree 100 percent with NHHEMI.
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Yikes! I'm really getting beat up on here!

I certainly am NOT condoning what they did - all I'm saying is ask the question WHY before passing judgment on these two kids. The punishment should fit the crime, and the motive is pertinent information.
Did the head coach/coaching staff instruct it or know about it prior to it happening?
Did the ref say something nasty to these kids, or was he instigating them?
The adults are supposed to know better.
Originally Posted By: danthaman1980
Yikes! I'm really getting beat up on here!

I certainly am NOT condoning what they did - all I'm saying is ask the question WHY before passing judgment on these two kids. The punishment should fit the crime, and the motive is pertinent information.
Did the head coach/coaching staff instruct it or know about it prior to it happening?
Did the ref say something nasty to these kids, or was he instigating them?
The adults are supposed to know better.

Blaming everyone but the ones who did it is sad. Also, these are high school age young adults not "kids". These weren't Pop Warner 10 year old kids these were high school teenagers. That video tells me all I need to know to pass judgment on them. The evidence is crystal clear that they blindsided that ref with intent to cause serious harm. This wasn't a prank or joke, this was a violent and purposeful attack.

If the coach was telling them to attack the Ref they should have refused. Don't try and give me any [censored] about being afraid to defy the coach or anything like that. They are more than old enough to know right from wrong and doing that at the coaches bidding would be wrong. It doesn't matter if a coach told them to do it. If they did it for that reason it does not lessen their guilt. It just adds another party that shares the blame in the crime( i.e. the coach ).

What could a Ref possibly have done or said during a game to warrant a blindsided attack like that which literally could have crippled him? One of the links given earlier updating my original link on this said an Assistant Coach had them do it because the Ref made some bad calls. In no way is that justification for such a vicious blindside attack. They should have walked off the field rather than do that and reported him later. Don't care if the Ref called them every name in the book either. No call for what they did.

Yes, adults should know better. However, as I sad earlier, these are high school kids and they are old enough to know right from wrong. They should face criminal charges as adults and go to adult jail.

How anyone can watch that video and actually need to know more before deciding is a mystery to me? I am always one of the ones on this site pushing innocent until proven guilty and saying I need to know more/see proof to make a decision. In this case though it is right there for you on video. It doesn't matter what the Ref may have said or done( during the game ). It doesn't matter if a coach said to do it. Nothing could justify what those two did. NOTHING!
Originally Posted By: Jarlaxle
Don't care what he did. Just don't care. They are thugs and need to be slapped down for it. Lock them up.

Yep. But some bad parents will say these were kids and they don't know any better...
Originally Posted By: Mr Nice
Yep. But some bad parents will say these were kids and they don't know any better...

Absolutely true. But the only way they will LEARN to be better is if there are meaningful consequences for their actions...
Originally Posted By: NHHEMI
One of the links given earlier updating my original link on this said an Assistant Coach had them do it because the Ref made some bad calls. In no way is that justification for such a vicious blindside attack. They should have walked off the field rather than do that and reported him later. Don't care if the Ref called them every name in the book either. No call for what they did.

Absolute shame that a coach would put two of his athletes in that awful position. Back when I played HS football (though I only played one year), I absolutely feared some of the coaches (then again, back then coaches could do things they'd never get away with these days!).

Sorry to get you guys all hyped up over my 'got what was coming to him' comment, I only meant to make the point that there was probably more than enough blame to go around. As more details emerged, I think that turned out to be the case. Hopefully appropriate consequences will be faced by all the parties involved, and they will all learn their lesson.
Originally Posted By: danthaman1980
Originally Posted By: NHHEMI
One of the links given earlier updating my original link on this said an Assistant Coach had them do it because the Ref made some bad calls. In no way is that justification for such a vicious blindside attack. They should have walked off the field rather than do that and reported him later. Don't care if the Ref called them every name in the book either. No call for what they did.

Absolute shame that a coach would put two of his athletes in that awful position. Back when I played HS football (though I only played one year), I absolutely feared some of the coaches (then again, back then coaches could do things they'd never get away with these days!).

Sorry to get you guys all hyped up over my 'got what was coming to him' comment, I only meant to make the point that there was probably more than enough blame to go around. As more details emerged, I think that turned out to be the case. Hopefully appropriate consequences will be faced by all the parties involved, and they will all learn their lesson.

I think what is getting people upset by your comments, and me included, is you seem to keep saying the Ref is/might be to blame or partly to blame for what happened to him. Your most recent comments seem to say the Ref did in fact get what was coming to him. You also seem to want to excuse those 2 players and blame the assistant Coach now as well. Seems everyone is to blame except the two players in your eyes and I do not understand that? It is crystal clear in that video that those two players purposely and with intent attacked the Ref from behind. No excuse for it.

I just can't understand how anyone can watch that video and think anything but those two players need to go to jail. Unless something happened off the field totally unrelated to that game that was vicious and violent( like the Ref assaulting one of their Mother's as an example )there is just nothing that could have happened during the game that could justify those two players attacking the Ref like that. Nothing. I don't know what details have emerged that you think validate your earlier comments about the Ref possibly getting what was coming to him( if that is what you are saying )but nothing I have read does.

The ONLY blame to go around here is on that team. The 2 players who attacked the Ref and the Assistant Coach who told them to do it for bad calls on the field. No one else deserves any blame and the 2 players deserve the Lion's share of it.

The coach may be a loser but those 2 players chose to do what he told them to when they knew it was wrong. They should have told him to get bent and walked off. I will never accept that they were afraid of the coach. That is yet another excuse of what they did and giving them a pass. They were both old enough to know that was not only wrong but a crime and they did it anyway. Now they need to face the judge.

I don't have a link to provide but they were talking about this on the local sports talk channel the other day up here. It turns out that coach actually told 3 players to attack the Ref and one refused and walked off. THAT player did the right thing. The other 2 made a choice to do what the coach said and ignore right from wrong and now they should pay heavily for it. So should that coach.

Blame the two players and that coach but the Ref is not to blame at all. I don't care what he said( racial slurs and the like - if he even did )or how many bad calls he made the attack on him was violent, vicious, and totally uncalled for.
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