UFO at O'hare ?

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Nov 16, 2002
This is one of the most interesting stories on UFO's I've seen in awhile. Check out the video link at the top for the summary.

If you ever actually see a UFO (I have, in 1970) you will stop laughing. I don't know what UFOs are, but I do know that people have seen some very strange stuff. I know, because I have seen some strange stuff myself.

There is no explanation that I can think of for what I saw in 1970. And I think I am a reasonably logical person.

There are plenty of 'experts' willing to come up with explanations like swamp gas and whatever. There are fewer true scientists willing to actually go into the field and do some real research. Kind of like how ordinary people kept telling the scientists that rocks fell from the sky and the scientists laughed until they discovered meteorites.

Now, I really can understand why many scientists are not willing to do research. There are all kinds of weird people in the UFO field. But if no one is willing to do real research then no research will get done. It probably would not kill anybody if some real researchers were willing to talk to the witnesses in the above discribed event.
That is right. People see UFOs (Unidentified Flying Objects) all the time. The real question is are all UFOs explainable as some ordinary objects or occurrances or are some UFOs truly unknown objects of some type (alien spacecraft, unknown natural things such as Earth lights, etc.).

Actually saucer type objects are rare. Most objects actually observed have been cigar shaped, flying triangles, egg shaped, sphere shaped, etc.

Some of the best documented sightings took place in Belgium in 1990 when a lot of people observed triangle shaped objects. The Belgium Air Force chased the objects with F-16s and the government readily admitted that strange objects had been sighted.
There's been some great shows on the History channel with documented evidence of UFO encounters (whatever they may be), in Russia, Brazil, and at a NATO air base in Great Britain I believe. Each show was titled..............Russia's Roswell, Britain's Roswell, and Brazil's Roswell. Really fascinating stuff; I highly recommend you watch them if your skipping though the channels and come across one of them some night.

The England Air Base one was the best.

There was another show on the history channel with ONLY UFO stories from pilots; pilots of all aspects of aviation, whether military, commercial, or civil/private. Pilot's are some of the most legit folks you'll run across, especially military and commercial pilots with thousands and thousands of flying hours. They know what's real and what's out of the ordinary when looking through the sky. Fascinating show.
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I watch the History Channel a lot. I thought the stuff about what happened in Brazil and what happened in Mexico concerning UFOs was really interesting.

Some of the best TV shows are on the Hisotry Channel.
The people that my dad bought his house from claimed to be friends with UFO people. Said they landed in the driveway often!

My mom claims to have seen 3 Orange lights in the drive once. I never have, I did see a ball of fire once though.
I remember my parents coming home from a vacation through Nevada saying they'd seen a "UFO". Turned out to be the stealth fighter before it was shown to the public-they recognized it from the photos that were released to the public.

I suspect most UFO's are projects from places such as the Skunkworks or Groom Lake. I am extremely skeptical of them being "aliens".

I also think that quite a number of UFO's are simply peoples imagination running wild over unusual but explainable atmospheric phenomena.
I'll admit there were a few times where - for at least a moment - I couldn't figure out what I was seeing in the sky. It turned out to be the sun. If you've ever lived in Michigan, you'd understand how this could happen.
I personally do not believe aliens come to visit us, but I believe there "could" be advanced technology in development which is kept secret for security reasons. I too saw one, and only one ... along with my father.

It was around 1975 and we were building a house in Mississippi. We went over to check things out after school (me) and work for dad. I looked up and asked dad what it was. It was a disk, silver-ish in color, and just climbed straight up at an incredible (looking) rate. Poof ... it was gone.

Was it aliens? I have no idea. My scientific brain tends to think not. Was it real? My scientific brain, along with dad's, tends to believe so.

In the mid '80 I lived about 2 miles from a large Military radar. One night out on the front porch smoking a cig (not wacky tobacky) a saucer shaped object hovered over the large golf ball shaped radar structure, for several minutes and when it took off was out of sight in about 3 seconds. The better half and I called it "Greentop's Roswell".
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