TW Cable renewal time

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Just a Detroit Tigers fanatic, when it comes to watching / needing cable TV.
My Lions are free and I only watch the Red Wings and Pistons during the playoffs.

Happy New Year Sleddie!
Originally Posted By: Triple_Se7en
Originally Posted By: Subdued
I have had no issues getting TWC to give me promotional rates every year by calling them, being friendly, and not threatening them at all. I just ask about cutting back services to save money and they always come through with another promotion.

How much is your bottom-line monthly payment and please outline if it's Triple Play - Double Play.....etc.

I don't know what double play or triple play are

I have Preferred TV + 50MB internet + phone for $130/mo including whole home dvr and 2 extra tvs

I'd personally just have internet but the wife wants the whole shebang so I just try to minimize costs. The 50MB internet is required, we have 7 people at home, all with multiple connected 2 rokus
By me not paying for TV, the savings of almost free TV and ATT Cricket paid for my 2014 Road King.
We all make choices on what we like to spend money on, everything is only worth to us, as individuals. Its just some do not know the other choices, until, FORUMS! *L*
Then again, some people can buy anything they want at any cost, but what fun is that?? hmmm...
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