Turn signals on the freeway?

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Originally Posted by bullwinkle
Originally Posted by das_peikko
Originally Posted by Chris142

Yes really. Somewhere along the line I heard somewhere that turn signals was only for driving on city streets.

When I lived in San Diego, it was rare to see anyone signal on the freeway. Heck, they change 3 lanes in one swoop.
I've heard in PA turn signals are considered a sign of weakness...
I adjust my use of them to the conditions-if I'm on insane I-75, I don't use them until I'm already moving to change lanes. On the backroads, I'll give you a LITTLE warning!

You know what else is considered a sign of weakness to some people …. abiding the law ….. and they're shocked at why the get arrested all the time and end up in jail.
99% of the problem here is that people don't have a clue how to get where they are going. All they know is the address. GPS is making all the decisions for them.
Now we know why in this country we have to have speed limit laws, and so many ignored driving rules, along with being courteous. So many grew up not even knowing how to ride a tricycle correctly, or safely. They are always the ones just cruising down the road looking at clouds.
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when merging onto the I system many drivers won't speed up or slow down instead they seem to expect you'll change lane to the left for them..that doesn't happen when I'm driving semi and I'm under no obligation to do so...surprising how many drive along til they're out of pavement and in the gravel.
Originally Posted by bullwinkle
Originally Posted by das_peikko
Originally Posted by Chris142

Yes really. Somewhere along the line I heard somewhere that turn signals was only for driving on city streets.

When I lived in San Diego, it was rare to see anyone signal on the freeway. Heck, they change 3 lanes in one swoop.
I've heard in PA turn signals are considered a sign of weakness...
I adjust my use of them to the conditions-if I'm on insane I-75, I don't use them until I'm already moving to change lanes. On the backroads, I'll give you a LITTLE warning!

Swamp drivers are confused by all those stalks and thingies jutting out of the steering column, so they respond by ignoring them.
Originally Posted by Wolf359

In bumper to bumper traffic, you won't get permission. That's when you don't have it. Signaling just tells them to close up the gap. That's where driving comes into play, accelerate or brake to move into position and then just signal and go. Never ask for permission, just tell them you're doing it and do it.

Originally Posted by eljefino
My state says


An operator may not turn a vehicle or move right or left on a public way

unless the movement can be made with reasonable safety.

So is sliding 12 feet to the left or right, but maintaining the same direction, turning a vehicle?

I signal as I move as a warning to others. Anything more invites people to "close the gap".

I hate to stoke this fire after so much time has passed, but I just have to call horse hockey on an old trope used in this thread a couple of different times. I am talking about when someone says that using turn signals can be detrimental to one's driving because fellow (discourteous) drivers might see the blinker and move to fill up the intended space before the lane change can be attempted.


Okay, I am willing to admit that scenario is possible, but I fail to see how that has any negative affects. So what if the blank space immediately to your right/left was suddenty filled by some jack-wagon??

When he did that, he created a blank space where he was previously. Why not let off the accelerator for (literally) 2 seconds and change lanes in behind the offending perp???

And please do not say that the space created is also filled by the driver behind them, and so on and so forth. That's complete fiction, and it has never happened in the history of the universe. If there was a blank spot that got filled, there is still a blank spot somewhere, whether it's 12 feet back or 24. It's there, move into it instead and go on about your day.
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