Tray, tray liner, tray, tray liner, tray

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... and that's where they throw your fries. I've never seen or heard anybody complain about this disgusting habit and thought I was the only one who even noticed. You might as well lick the floor at the mall restroom.

For years, I've always bought fast food for "to go" only for that reason. Then, some time earlier this year, I noticed that at Burger King, instead of the pre-lined tray stack, they had two seperate stacks of tray liners and trays. The employee would take a tray, put on a clean liner and put the food on that. I was pleased. For two weeks they've been back to their old ways with the pre-lined stack. Gross.

I wonder what happened? Why did they change from unhygienic to acceptable and back to unhygienic?
It is all about time and money, if it takes less time and people don't report back getting sick, they won't stop.

On the other hand, you can eat a lot of unclean food and still don't get sick.

it's slackness, and "getting away with it".

Hospitals downunder are currently hot spots for some pretty nasty infections. A nurse friend was telling my father that she can tell which patients after surgery will develop infections...their doctor moves from patient to patient, WITHOUT WASHING HIS HANDS.

My MIL has been in hospital for nearly a months, and it's incredible how unhygenic the doctors/nurses are.
So, what's a good COA?

1. Ignore it, 'cause I feel lucky and not many people have died lately from contaminated food at BK?

2. Ignore it, 'cause the tray is the least of my problems regarding unsanitary conditions and practices?

3. Work around it by ordering for "to go"? That's my current method.

4. Throw a hissy fit at the counter and have myself escorted out of the food court?

5. Ask for the manager (Have to take Spanish lessons first) and try to reason with him.

5. Write to corporate HQ -- wait 7 years for response.

6. Call in health inspector.

7. Make a call to my local newspaper/news tv station and hope they care.

8. Eat at BK, but keep food samples of everything, hope to get sick from contaminated food. Have food samples analyzed, sue BK, retire without small intestine on private island.
Thanks for the advice, mum, but whether or not I eat once or twice a month fast food will hardly have a huge effect on my arteries.
Pablo, how can I help you?


Well, given that most people do not wash their hands before eating with their hands, there is little to complain about.

This ties in with cashiers who handle not only money but also food. In some places they'll use an antibacterial hand lotion after touching money and before putting your burger together. Great tasting, I hope -- not that I'd know. Ack!

I also hate it when waiters and waitrons (I'm so PC!) plant their thumb on the plate, possibly in my mashed potatoes, when serving food.

"I didn't order a finger. What's that finger doing in my food? Do you expect me to eat that?"
Please explain. I assume you are talking about sanitation at fast food places. We don't eat that kind of food and I'm not forming a mental picture with your thread title. Are you talking about little trays or big trays? What are these liners? I'm thinking little paper baggies of fries and burgers in little boxes....
Pablo, I'm talking about those plastic trays on which they place your fries (most of them fall out of the container) and wrapped or boxed burger at all fast food places, if you order "for here." The tray liner is a thin piece of paper that they slap on the tray. By prelining and prestacking those trays, the clean barrier between the dirty tray and the food, the tray liner, has been defeated, because a dirty tray bottom is contaminating it.

Another thing that grosses me out is when the seats and tables, sometimes the trays, get wiped with the same grimey rag.
yikes - THAT is GROSS!! Not sure that I've had the food touch that tray liner.....but I've seen people squirt right on their liners/trays and dip their fries in it. Not for me!

"the rag" - Yes my very first job at 16 = bus boy. 9 hours - same rag! No cleaners. Just wet.....arrgghhh
Are there no health inspectors who randomly check for unhygienic conditions at public eateries?
I like the system LA county uses. you get graded by the health inspector, A B C D or F. that grade must be posted at the front door and inside in an easily seen place. all places that serve food must have it posted.
A place that got an F can do business? Or do the health inspectors give everyone a passing grade, eyes wide shut?
I don't know exactly how it works, I try to stay as far away from LA as possible. I believe anything below a B has to clean up it's act, anything less than a C is shut down.
the letter grade is about 10" tall, you cannot miss it when you walk past the place.

after a little googling here is a little more info
90 to 100 points A Generally superior in food handling practices and overall food facility maintenance.
80 to 89 points B Generally good in food handling practices and overall food facility maintenance.
70 to 79 points C Generally acceptable in food handling practices and overall general food facility maintenance.
0 to 69 points Score Poor food handling practices and overall general food facility maintenance.

you can even look up your favorite restraunt
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