Thought I was back in time when I saw this hazard

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Mar 2, 2013
The Midwest
I've hit those grates before, luckily I was going fast enough that although I could not avoid it I must have had enough speed not to drop a wheel.

Poor, poor design...
I'd hate to ride my bike over that at night or drop my keys. Probably huge rats under there.
I once DESTROYED a front wheel even though it was a VERY strongly built (3x, 14 gauge straight DT stainless, on Campy Record hubs with a Mavic SSC hard anodized 'Paris Roubaix' rim) when I rode through a dark/unlit tunnel with a HUGE, wide spaced drainage grate at the bottom in Ft. Lauderdale, Fla.

I had to call my wife at the time to come pick me up from Hollywood, Fla, where we were staying.
I'm sure ladies high heel shoes would have a difficult time over that. Maybe even twist an ankle or something.
Been meaning to tell my state about this, there is a string of these on Rt 9. Turned exactly as you think.
Originally Posted By: simple_gifts
Originally Posted By: Donald
What is the hazard? Dropping your keys down the grate?

Think bicyclists.

One would think that bicyclists would be smart enough to steer around a grate like that, rather than try to ride over it.
The problem is not always with the bicyclist. It can also be the motorist who isn't paying attention and runs the bicyclist into the hazard.

Originally Posted By: Pop_Rivit
Originally Posted By: simple_gifts
Originally Posted By: Donald
What is the hazard? Dropping your keys down the grate?

Think bicyclists.

One would think that bicyclists would be smart enough to steer around a grate like that, rather than try to ride over it.
Originally Posted By: Pop_Rivit
One would think that bicyclists would be smart enough to steer around a grate like that, rather than try to ride over it.

Obviously nobody in their right mind is going to try to ride into it on purpose. Sometimes these things are hard to spot in advance.

Yes, we know that you have perfect 20/20 vision and would be able to spot this from a mile away.
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