This had the office in tears....

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I'm crying I'm laughing so hard!!!!

I just got a new kitten and now it's the attacking of anything that moves.

Move you're feet under the covers, WHAAAAAAAAAM, move you hand, WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAM.

The little ---- was sitting on my chest puuuuuuuuuuuuuring away, all squinty eyed looking at me, as soon as I blinked, WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAM right across my eye.
That video was way too accurate.

Strider does most of that every morning. Good thing the golf clubs are in the shed
That is so true, I well remember trying to ignore my cat one Sunday morning, he hooked a claw in my nostril and pulled! I wanted to scream but was afraid I'd freak the him out.
That animation does my Captain Kirk 100% justice! I think I should hide the baseball bat from him, though.
Good cartoon

I was never a cat person ..but got to admire their ingenuity in communicating what they wanted to say to humans. Sorta like they were dealing with the challenged.
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