Thinking of enlisting in the army

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Originally Posted By: JoeWGauss

Unfortunately the modern Army is nothing more than a servant of military industrial complex. Which serves the needs of big money and ,big oil, and big corporations that are involved in selling stuff to the military itself.

Do you really want to be cannon fodder in the sand box Middle East the Corporation of the United States endlessly invades and attacks illegally and without any legit reasons??

What are you going to do with all of your time off?
After thinking about this for quite some time, and trying not to go political, I believe everyone should serve at least two years in some sort of military service to the country. Individuals who are not as physically or mentally fit could volunteer in less demanding branches (certainly not the Marines). In general, I believe one's actions, opinions and respect for the country are on another level if they serve their country. Just my opinion, you are entitled to disagree.
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Originally Posted By: FowVay
Take your asvab. Get your results and go to every branch and see what is available to you. Study your options, consider that best and worst case scenarios that could occur during your enlistment.

There's a a bazillion things to do in the armed forces so pick something that you'd enjoy. You'll be very proud of yourself after you've served your country. It's something that the current commander-in-chief can never claim to have done and nobody can ever take it from you.

Did the last commander in chief serve?? Oh yeah he was a real warrior, never saw combat and practically went AWOL.

To the OP. I agree with the advice given here, just not the political twist. I would say to do the same thing, if you don't get a job offer you like forget it. Also get everything in writing. I was young and confused and the military seemed like a good idea, I did not enlist and my life went another direction. I still have my arms and legs too. I just feel bad for our guys fighting in B_S wars.
One of the best job training/welfare type programs the government has ever come up with. It is costing me too much $$$
Originally Posted By: simple_gifts
I don't want to be in a unit with 80% of the people biding their time. In principle I agree, however.

I understand what you are saying to a certain degree. But there should be some sort of placement program where less interested people are not allowed to volunteer in demanding portions of the military (like they would want to if they are required to volunteer). There shouldn't be anyone in active combat that doesn't want to be there. You need to know you can count on them and they are giving 110%.
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Originally Posted By: chubbs1
Originally Posted By: FowVay

You'll be very proud of yourself after you've served your country. It's something that the current commander-in-chief can never claim to have done and nobody can ever take it from you.

Did the last commander in chief serve?? Oh yeah he was a real warrior, never saw combat and practically went AWOL.

Jimmy Carter served to a greater extent than Ronald Reagan did. Submariner>training film actor. In fact, If I'm not mistaken, President Carter attended the US Naval Academy at Annapolis. Yet most of us would agree that Reagan's presidency was more successful. So there's that
I would take any choice with lots of research and visiting with folks that do what you think you want to do. ROTC is definitely a good choice but it does keep you in school. I think taking the test and see what your options are would be a good move to see what the spectrum might be. The MP corp is not a bad place to be but theres a wide variety of jobs in it. From what I've seen, it would help you chances in the civilian police world.
Agreed with everyone, it's a serious choice not to be taken simply because you don't have anything better to do. How about the peace corps instead? Pay is the same, you live in [the worst parts of a] first world country, and I think you can quit anytime.
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Originally Posted By: Steve S
One of the best job training/welfare type programs the government has ever come up with. It is costing me too much $$$

Lower ranks of the military are a refuge for the economically disadvantaged and the indolent. Your are right; it's an instituion that keeps hundreds of thousands afloat.
Having done a 3 year enlistment in the Army in the late
60's (half of it in Nam) I honestly can't recommend it
to any sane person. A friend enlisted in the Air Force
at the same time and it sounded like his experience
was much better. Also take anything a recruiter says
with suspicion. Best of luck.
Originally Posted By: sentra
Originally Posted By: Steve S
One of the best job training/welfare type programs the government has ever come up with. It is costing me too much $$$

Lower ranks of the military are a refuge for the economically disadvantaged and the indolent. Your are right; it's an instituion that keeps hundreds of thousands afloat.

I had school mate married to a light colonel and he said the dummest and smartest people enlist in the military . The dumb ones because they can't make it on the outside "the welfare types " and the smartest "those who have the motivation and want to learn and exceeded,, The pilots and other large huevos type of things, nerd type things anything with a the skill that will push , the learning and application of skill to the extreme.

Also take anything a recruiter says with suspicion.

+1; my brother was an officer in the Army; after I talked with a recruiter, my brother said before I signed anything to have the recruiter SHOW YOU the MOS/Description cross reference. Apparently he had plenty of of infantry elistees who thought they signed up for something else.

As mentioned, I decided to go ANG and never regretted my decision except when doing 18 hour days in Savannah GA.
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chubbs1 said:
FowVay said:
Take your asvab.

Did the last commander in chief serve?? Oh yeah he was a real warrior, never saw combat and practically went AWOL.

I don't recall the current commander in chief serving at all. Slick Willie begged to not serve if I recall correctly...
Finish school first. If you don't know what you want to do talk to one of the school's counselors and they'll give you some food for thought. Once you finish school, then maybe you'll still want to go in.
The military is a huge commitment and one that shouldn't be rushed into. Think long and hard about your decision. That being said...

As a student, you should consider the National Guard. If you go through the split op program, you can break up your basic and AIT over two summers, so you can stay on track to graduate. If it's something you want to make a career of, you can go through OCS down the line or go active duty.
Originally Posted By: Steve S
I had school mate married to a light colonel and he said the dummest and smartest people enlist in the military . The dumb ones because they can't make it on the outside "the welfare types " and the smartest "those who have the motivation and want to learn and exceeded,, The pilots and other large huevos type of things, nerd type things anything with a the skill that will push , the learning and application of skill to the extreme.

I think it's way more complicated than that...

You also have people who want to see the world, those who consider military service a moral/family/patriotic duty, those who want to go to college but have no alternatives, those who want to escape poverty, etc.

I joined for various reasons listed above and in all honesty, probably wouldn't have joined if it weren't for the GI Bill. The Montgomery GI Bill paid for my undergraduate education and the Post-9/11 GI Bill (via the National Guard) sent me to grad school.

I picked my MOS (11H) because I was 17 and the idea of blowing stuff up seemed very appealing and I got a bonus (heavy anti armor weapons infantry aka TOW gunner). And then my unit was disbanded and I converted over to light infantry, and then we went mechanized (M113) and then converted over to Bradleys.
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