Things we see driving around - original content (pictures you snapped)

Maybe but my grandfather was not easy on his rigs, so if they survived his abuse they have extra strength cellulose fibers!

More oak!!

As for tires yeah it’s jacked up purposely
Wait a sec, those are not pneus but solid tires. The OG runflat tires. Better aim for the spokes!
Starting out in Larkspur, Marin. This is an early 20th-century watering hole.

Driving to Bolinas between Stinson Beach and the Point Reyes Peninsula. Sunny at first but once I get to the shore it's overcast and a bit nippy.

Crossing the San Andreas Fault.

People fishing along the beach

On the way back momma and two fawns came marching down the road toward me

They were in no hurry
Great whites pose the largest risk in and on the water to humans as far as sharks are concerned. Usually, they take one bite, don't like the taste, and move on. Of course, one bit from a 15-25-foot shark leads to rapid and massive bloodless in any case. There are on average about 2 successful great white shark attacks on humans in all of Califonia every year. Limbs do get bitten off. The coastline between Monterey and Bodega Bay is populated by great whites. If you see a triangular fin it's time to get out of the water. Sometimes a great white will take a bite out of a kayak. Riptides and carelessness on or near the water kill many more people than sharks do.

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Found him again!!

I have a two-week backlog of pictures.

They have finally started work on the Pigeon Point Lighthouse. It's become quite dilapidated love the last decade. They sent the fresnel lens for refurbishment to France years ago. Funding is always the snag. The scaffolding is new and can't have been there for more than 10 days.

A bunch of eco-friendly;y zero-turn mowers right next to the highway.

Got a few gallons of well water from a public well. The water gets tested regularly by volunteers. It tastes very good. It can get crowded at times.
Someone I know took this picture while we were crossing the bridge a couple of months ago. He took the last picture of Abe Lincoln I have. After four years Abe retired from service with the company with a dishonorable discharge from his manifold. I kid. Abe was fine.

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I was at WM this morning and decided to add some wax and Invisible Glass to my cart. No one showed up to open up. 😑

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Security probably saw you previously lingering in the laundry detergent and deodorant aisles.

Last time I went to the Home Depot the spray paint cans were locked up. I approached a lady in orange and told her I was here to steal some paint and could she please get the key. She came back with another employee who kept looking over my shoulder while I was picking out a few cans. They did not bother escorting me to the cashier and I felt a bit redeemed.