The Great Depression

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How does it feel to want? I want you to prove to me that the USA is gaining in net worth. Data and statistics, please? That you can "create wealth" within the USA when indexed for debt increases (in all forms) against economic expansion ..indexed for population.

You can't do it. If you can, in any legit manner ...gosh're the messiah.

The way it works is if you make a claim, you get the burden of proof. A claim would be something like this: capitalism or globalism implies . Phantom claims (e.g. the USA is gaining in net worth) not made by others don't count.
Well, make an arse out of me and honestly say that the US is gaining in real wealth in REAL numbers when indexed for all debts vs. economic expansion and indexed for population.

make me a horse's behind in an HONEST and CANDID way ..and you can spank me in public and humiliate me.

..and I'll take the spanking like a man. If you can't do that ..then tuck tail and go home. Mice or men??

Alright Gary, I apologize. I was feeling a bit feisty

As for the US gaining in real wealth, not sure why I get this homework assignment. Never mentioned it, asked about it or gave it much thought. So my answer is I don't know.

Honestly and candidly here is my point: the benefits and costs of globalism and capitalism are very controversial. The research is imperfect and no scholar worth his salt would ever sit in a seminar and make claims without qualifying those claims. Yet I hear one person in this forum day and in and day out make assertions as if it is truth. So I am asking you to lay it out for me. I'll give you an honest ear too, but it has to come from more than ideology. I don't take many things on faith. Or simpler yet, you can just precede your claims with a qualifier like "in my opinion" and I'll know where you're coming from.
Fair enough. I'm not shy about being spanked. If you hang it out there's an invitation to get it lopped off. Many things that I've said in the past are from dated material ..and we are in dynamic times.

I had more to say here ..but rethought it and would just ask that someone who is savvy in these matters ..who is informed ..allegedly educated to a high degree ..blablabla without spin and without "cup is half full"-isms....just gives a candid and honest prediction for "our future" as a nation.

Just what does an honest and candid expert say?


Just what do you expect?

I expect very dark times ahead ...where there was no need for them to be so.
Please don't misunderstand me. I'm not sayin people shouldn't voice their opinions just because they aren't "experts" (what the ---- is an expert anyways?) or have some label. I spout off about stuff that I know little about all the time

It's just that a lot of folks confuse opinions and perspectives with truth. And that's when the ---- usually hits the fan. As for our future? Well, my opinion is that it's not that gloomy and we are certainly much better off than we've been for 99.9% of human history. But I could be wrong and I do make contingency plans just in case I am....
In the good old days, there were lots of young people to work the machines and offices, and older people conveniently left the scent at age 67. The young generation discovered birth control, which meant fewer children to raise, and more money to reinvest in the economy. Today, there's a shortage of young people, due to the previous invention of birth control. The same medical tech has allowed people to routinely reach 90 years old, but at a high cost, and rather low economic output.

Then came the energy crisis, brought on by China and India reaching their "good old days" stage as above.

It could be worse: you could have a religious fanaticism sweep the nation, and suddenly go back to 6kids/family, while at the same time having lots of people entering retirement. Andan energy crisis, and war...

Things are not that bad. People are still risking their lives to enter the US.

Well, my opinion is that it's not that gloomy and we are certainly much better off than we've been for 99.9% of human history.

I'll go with that. 99.9% of human history takes in quite a bit. I'm more interested in what I've seen in my lifetime ..but ...

There was a good transitional period where decay didn't truly mean devolution. For example, technology was surely in more hands at lower cost than ever before. Even go back to VCR's ...where our "standard" of living was somewhat higher in spite of less economic means to sustain it. A generous side effect of employing the world with slips of green paper.

We also managed to maintain a continuing advancement in medicine and other sectors ..albeit at great expense. This was due to having enough economically viable working people to sustain the enterprise in spite of radically increasing costs that defied controls.

Our "allowances" in all sectors became, for lack of a better term, more "liberal". Existing conditions ...procedures that were elective and expensive became par for the course ...blablabla. Auto insurance became a process ...where the paying paid for the non-paying ..and the counter measures to inhibit the non-paying from functioning was abandoned. The same with auto theft. Essentially, due to prevailing realities was coped with in a manner that made "allowances".

So, we hit a collision between "the luxury" of playing Pontius Pilate with our problems the midst of dwindling means to cash the checks that the Pilate is writing in
..what can I do
..the trains have to stay on time

Life will go on. This is surely so ..but it's going to be a very different life than we're used to ...and the rate of change is going to take way too many people by surprise ..and they won't be celebrating the revolutionary change. They won't understand why anyone would allow this to evolve to this level of "ungood" without warning them ..when it was obvious that someone ...many ...highly trusted and learned individuals ...not only knew about it ..but masked it ..and profited off of its creation and evolution.

They don't have a clue ...and many want it that way.

Life will go on. This is surely so ..but it's going to be a very different life than we're used to ...and the rate of change is going to take way too many people by surprise ..and they won't be celebrating the revolutionary change. They won't understand why anyone would allow this to evolve to this level of "ungood" without warning them ..when it was obvious that someone ...many ...highly trusted and learned individuals ...not only knew about it ..but masked it ..and profited off of its creation and evolution.

They don't have a clue ...and many want it that way.

I dunno. I think change always takes people by surprise. It's the human condition and I'm not sure what one can do to fix it. At my own work place, we constantly have to adapt. Some colleagues roll with it, some don't. Those that don't don't want to hear it. You can stick a loud speaker in their ears and warn them all day long and they'll respond by sticking their fingers in their ears. They didn't get that way because some mythical "many" wanted it that way. It was probably already in the genes.
FireFox just keeps saying "server cannot be found"
Everything else works fine ..Ebay...etc..etc..etc.

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