The Great Depression

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I think you have to somehow find a balance between dog-eat-dog laissez faire situations and socialist tendencies. Putting too much trust in either is a mistake.

Works for me.....I guess I focus too much on who pays for this stuff.

Accounts Receivable Tax
B&O Tax
Building Permit Tax
CDL license Tax
Cigarette Tax
Corporate Income Tax
Dog License Tax
Excise Taxes
Federal Income Tax
Federal Unemployment Tax
Fishing License Tax
Food License Tax
Fuel Permit Tax
Gasoline Tax
Gross Receipts Tax
Hunting License Tax
Inheritance Tax
Inventory Tax
IRS Interest Charges IRS Penalties (tax on top of tax)
Liquor Tax
Luxury Taxes
Marriage License Tax
Medicare Tax
Personal Property Tax
Property Tax
Real Estate Tax
Service Charge Tax
Social Security Tax
Road Usage Tax
Sales Tax
Recreational Vehicle Tax
School Tax
State Income Tax
State Unemployment Tax
Telephone Federal Excise Tax
Telephone Federal Universal Service Fee Tax
Telephone Federal, State and Local Surcharge Taxes
Telephone Minimum Usage Surcharge Tax
Telephone Recurring and Non-recurring Charges Tax
Telephone State and Local Tax
Telephone Usage Charge Tax
Utility Taxes
Vehicle License Registration Tax
Vehicle Sales Tax
Watercraft Registration Tax
Well Permit Tax
Workers Compensation Tax

I probably left a few off.....
That reminds me of a certain operating system that keeps getting bigger and bigger, so no matter how fast and powerful computer hardware becomes, they're still slow and you can't figure out how to run them.

Laissez faire capitalism and socialism end up in the same state after a very short time. The only difference is that with capitalism, you can choose to live by yourself; with socialism, you're forced at gunpoint to join the club.

All systems end up with power concentrating in the hands of very few people.

capitalism: man exploits man. Socialism turns this around.
Smaller, more effective government is fine, but politics is first an issue of who gets what. What group standing on some soap box complaining about what someone else is getting doesn't also have their hand out ? Very few, and certainly doesn't cut across party lines.

What is undeniable is that the percentage of wealth is being concentrated in the upper income brackets.
What is undeniable is that the percentage of wealth is being concentrated in the upper income brackets.

It always was. What didn't happen at the same time is that those concentrating wealth upward ..were not also draining the lower levels pall mall. Once we surrendered manufacturing due to the cost of doing business (not wages, folks) ..we allowed a bottomless pit of quiet desperation. Economic hobbling.
Some people have investments in China and India that benefit when the US is hobbled. Might these same people have undue influence over our governments? The former PM of Canada owned a fleet of cargo ships.

It seems that these days--at least around here--if something isn't Republican, it's either Socialist or Communist.

Look what the communists have done to our state! Oh that's right, you don't own property. ALL the politics are dominated by what party in our county? I'm sorry Mark, both parties are garbage, but one is communist and corrupt and the other is just corrupt.

Turning a country from neighbor helping neighbor, self supporting, states rights country into a nanny state was the real start of the downhill slope. Once a people think the Government can solve all their problems, then the country is no longer the same as the intentions of the founding fathers. Yes, highly political.

...and also highly accurate.

We will never be able to move forward if this is how our politics are.

Alive and well I see...

I think moving forward means what? Government ownership of everything? Comparing people to a nutcase such as McCarthy? King County leadership clearly does NOT believe in individual ownership and control of property. What else would you call that form of government??? I'm not calling every D a commie, geeze - but which party fosters group ownership, government health care, property control? Social control - it's pretty ironic to me that everyone gets all paranoid about the R's taking "freedoms" away - but in reality the controls from the left are more onerous – in the guise of protecting the common good.


It seems that these days--at least around here--if something isn't Republican, it's either Socialist or Communist.

Look what the communists have done to our state! Oh that's right, you don't own property. ALL the politics are dominated by what party in our county? I'm sorry Mark, both parties are garbage, but one is communist and corrupt and the other is just corrupt.

I agree totally. I hope someday the US gets out of this two-party-system quagmire and there are more choices for government.
I hope we get away from a super elite bastion of corporate masters running everything (with a small lot of groupies tagging along for the pickins); which means two parties it is for the foreseeable future (aka, at the surface, they're the same - run by the $$$). It's either communism, or privatized everything (with 100% religion both ways); no common sense middle ground. Heck, was there ever?


It seems that these days--at least around here--if something isn't Republican, it's either Socialist or Communist.

Look what the communists have done to our state! Oh that's right, you don't own property. ALL the politics are dominated by what party in our county? I'm sorry Mark, both parties are garbage, but one is communist and corrupt and the other is just corrupt.

I think someone needs to find out what a real communist is. Show me a politician in power in America who wants a classless society and common (not government) ownership of all means of production and property.
What you have are people who lust after power and money, and know how to say what people want to hear.
In Washington, the D's are bed buddies with the big corporations, just like the R's are elsewhere. This state wouldn't be thriving as it is is it was led by actual communists. It's led by people I can't stand, and they do like to spend money. But they're not commies, anymore than Pablo is a robber baron.
The D's suck, the R's also suck.
If you think either have any interest in mind other than more power and money for themselves, you need help.

I doubt that. What he wants is what they all want: more money in his pocket.

As did they all from Lenin to Trotsky.....power and money. But I guess if your point is that these guys are red flag waving throwbacks that want us all in camps, probably not, but, well that sure would take care of their botched transportation abortion!
Asssswipes-yes, commies---no.
If WA was run by commies, it wouldn't have been ranked the fifth best state for businesses, and you wouldn't be owning any private property!
They're douchebags, that's it.
It would be nice to think that
A) Rossi & company could get into power(if they weren't also douchebags)
B) If they did, that it would make any difference.
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