The family Z-4

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Oct 9, 2004
New Braunfels

Oh, and gotta throw a dog or two in there.
Cute dogs. Looks like the second one is getting ready to bite the hand that pets it. What kind of fish are those? Don't see that kind in WI.

Back on topic:

Absolutely gorgeous lines and proportions....I guess I never had really focused on that profile view before...TNX for posting...

PS Can't resist this: look at the setting for the photograph...see how well GREEN goes with this it would look great too in an Autumn shot with the foliage all GOLD.
Thanks, it's a well balanced fun to drive entirely impractical vehicle
. If I have it long enough to change the oil myself I will definately lean towards the "Elixer".

Having just moved to Virginia in the autumn I am enjoying the two lane backroads with twisties and hills. Tight swooping turns have brought out an entire new level of enjoyment to the BMW experience that a mostly flat & straight Texas didn't offer. Now I like my Bimmer where before I thought it was a mistake.
Ha ha.. That is Pudge and he is eating spaggetti. The fish are K Salmon feeders and Halibut out of Homer, Ak last year. The Z4 is fun and easy(too easy) to toss around.
The funnest mistake I ever made was test driving it.
Ahh, another fisherman..... You have come to the right coast!! Plenty of great fishing. Give Ocracoke Island, N.C. a try. Soon the Striped Bass will be running in the ocean. Some of us in my fishing group have talked about going down sometime in December and fish for the Stripers.
Bryanccfshr-Welcome to the Commonwealth! You're right down the street from me so to speak. Drop me a PM and I'll give you all kinds of fun roads right close by that you'll absolutely love in the Bimmer.
... as shortyb waits in the cruiser behind a billboard advertising Castrol Syntec Unlock the Power just to escort you to the nearest enforcer of sedate driving on the public roads...
OMG! Shortyb The ice snow and SALT! have temporarily grounded the Bimmer to the port. I have been finding some shortcuts around traffic nonethe less. The spotslyvania court road to Route 3 being one of them. But alas You won't blink twice at my Outlander..

BTW I sae a grey outlander off of 3. Won't people slow down for ice??
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