The Best workout device I have come across!!!!

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May 1, 2003
The unit I got is called "The Trainer" it is made by the same people that made the origanal Exer-Genie back in the 1960's! You can do anyting you would do with a rope and pulley system. It goes from 1 once of resistance to 600lbs.The best part is that youc an do an endless variety of exercise's since you can replicate almost any movement. All you need is a door or anchor to attach the unit to and you are styleing! Let's put it this way I got it to takeon the road with me and I am considering it as my main exercise device now. I have a BowFlex and I like this new device even better. It weights about 2lbs. and will fit in the glove box of most car's!

It is $169+shipping and it is the best money I have ever spent on exercise gear!The training material that comes with it is dreadful but if you have some creativity and have ever exercised before you can come up with a ton of exercise's to do in no time flat!
Go figure. It's really hard to find something on google that's simply called, "The Trainer"

They should've gone slightly more ambiguous, and just called it "Thing".
Originally Posted By: MarkC
The best exercise device is the one you're born with--your body.

Been looking at some of that 300 stuff...makes sense.

Watched Bruce Dickinson run, jump, leap, dance and sing for two hours solid last night, and was shattered at the stamina of the bloke.
you don't need no stinkin machines, just hire Jack LaLanne to be your fitness coach. If you do you have better know how to swim.
Originally Posted By: Shannow
Originally Posted By: MarkC
The best exercise device is the one you're born with--your body.

Been looking at some of that 300 stuff...makes sense.

Watched Bruce Dickinson run, jump, leap, dance and sing for two hours solid last night, and was shattered at the stamina of the bloke.

Is that 'THE Bruce Dickinson', or the one from Iron Maiden :)?

You guys are killing me with all of this stuff...I haven't heard the term "Bullworker" in 20 years.

I have to admit I am one of the many who have resold a Bowflex!
A Navy Seal is marketing some type of similiar device for those folks too busy to use a hotel gym or just looking for a good 30 min workout. His sytem uses body weight for resistance and attaches to a door frame. Hmm...
For 'general' strength training I find deadlifts, squats, cleans, standing overhead presses, and chins to be the most useful for doing everday kinds of things. Chins are hard to do with 'body only' workouts and push ups don't seem to generate as much benefit, maybe one hand push ups aside but I don't do stuff like that. Maybe upside down push ups, with one's feet up on a wall, which will also double for overhead lifts ?

Deadlifts (and for some cleans) are probably the most useful single strength training exercsie, something again that is hard to do with 'body only' exercise. Single leg squats can be done with good benefit, but you don't seem to get the same benefit as you do with weights. If you're older and you do your squats you'll find that you don't need Viagra like those around you. Another side benefit of working with weights is that it also improves grip, which is obviously a something useful.

One study that I ran across found good correlation between higher grip strength and the ability to avoid assisted living as one ages. They concluded that good grip strength was just a simple indicator of overall muscle mass, which decreases as one ages.

A shovel is a good strength training tool, where Bill Pearl noted that when young he got jobs digging ditches. Shovelling snow can also be a good workout. I remember early on getting really tired clearing the driveway, so I put the heart rate on to see what was going on. I was maxxing out my heart rate, and learned to pace myself better.

Just explore the site. The site is not so hot and their material tohat comes with the device sucks too but the device itself Rock's!!! Any exercise you can do with a dumbell or pulley system you can do with this!So once you get the fell for it just get creative!!!

It was used on Apollo space program and their is even one in the capsule suspended from the ceiling of the capsule at the smithsonian! They have skimped on the training material to keep the cost down since other devices based on this same design cost alot more!

I went with the executive system and that is what I would recomend. I love mine. I am doing it along with Isometrics to stay fit when I am away from home. I am traveling to Florida soon to look for work! Michigan is killing me and their is nothing for my children in this state from an economic standpoint. So I need something that would do what my BowFlex does and was compact and lite weight since I am going in my car and have to travel light!
Well let me tell you what I did with my device on day one. I did pressing movment much like dumbell bench press, fly like movement, tricep extions in three different postions,side lateral raise,front raise, 5 different rowing variations,hammer curls,a lat exercise much like the old Natualis roller lat machine movement and squats. I went non-stop except for the time it took to put the squat belt on and switch my unit from the door to the floor board that comes inthe kit. Tommorow I am doing deadlift with it and high pulls along with everything I mentioned already! It goes from 1 once to 600lbs of resistance plus since you have a control line that you can add your own resistance to it can exceed that!

Just give people some back ground I Bench Press 450lbs and currently squat and deadlift 500lbs. Those are not my best number's but that is all the weight I have currently.I only train heavy dureing the winter the rest of the time I normaly train more moderately with my BowFlex wich only goes up to 405lbs!I do my stiff leged deadlifts on my BowFlex with 405lbs for 10 set's of 10 reps. Just so you guy's know I have worked out off and on since 1982 and have a back ground with free weights, machines,body weight exercise's, varisety sports all through H.S. and Dad was in the Army for 20+ year's three of those as a Drill Sargent! I am telling you this just so you understand that I did not fall off the apple cart yesterday and have some back ground in fitness,sport's and training!

Now I will say this about the this devise. It is not the best tool if your goal is to build your body to the point that you look like a professional body builder!! IF you are looking for insane functional strength, great fitness, athletic build and fat loss then it is the tool for most! The resistance is only one way concentric not eccentric so it does not make you sore at all.
Well I have a BullWorker and I was never that impressed with it! First it can only really be used for Isometrics wich I like but not as the sole workout tool. Then you have the fact that the bullworker is not adjustable it is what it is and as you get stronger you can compress it more but it can not get softer. It is not dynamic either. It can not replicate something like a golf swing or a punch or puting a shot etc.... What I am describeing can. Now if you waqnted to you could add the Bullworker to it and get an insane workout! That is if your tendons can take the pounding the Bullworker can dish out to all but the strongest individuals. I should see how much dust is on my 1980's bull worker under the bed?

As for the body weight only well that is good to a point. I guess if you like doing 1500 pushups a day and 500 hindu squats and 64 pullups day in and day out maybe tossing in some burpee's and handstand pushups that fine.I would ask how you plan on replicateing a 600+lbs deadlift or squat with your body weight exercise's? The best athletes in the world use body weight, free weights,kettlebells,medicine balls,sledge hammers,tires,elastic bands,isometrics and anything else that provides an edge.Anyone that thinks BWE are all that is needed is fooling themself's!!!Now with that said you can get in better shape then 90% of the population doing almost anything that invloves resistance and movement in any combination regularly since as a nation the USA is not the most fit!
Kettlebells can be had from Dragon Door,Ebay,***** Sporting,Adder, Goods,Life Line, Atomic, and a bunch of other places. I like Dragondoors and Adder's Premium and Competition line of Kettlebells. I have used KB's from those two companies and have found them to be great products some of the other types and brands are shoty and low quality.
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