The addition of HBN to motor oil.......


$100 site donor 2024
Jan 21, 2024
Recently I stumbled upon this article on a study on the addition of HBN to motor oil, though it interesting. Does anyone have any insight to this? @MolaKule or others? HBN is about $100 per pound give of take, and it would seems like a pound would last a fleet many lifetimes.........

Does mixing mean, in this case, just adding the HBN, or would it have to be done in a special way? The study eludes to what I would call a "massive" increase in wear protection. I wonder what this study might be leaving out.

I have used HBN and automotive grease as a trigger lube on a precision gun I have, with about a .75 lbs change in pull weight. Wondering if this could be added to oil, motor, gear, etc with no adverse effects.

Below I have included links to the study, and a link to where someone can obtain 70nm HBN

I believe HBN is the active ingredient in products like Liquimoly Certatec and Mannol Ceramo Ester.

I've used both with varying degrees of butt dyno related notabilities.