Tell the truth, who was it

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Was Mr. Marsala's fist name by any chance "Chicken".

I see more of this happening as users put things in the "Cloud" then lose link to it and then go "Where" to find it? Back up your stuff ya dope.
Originally Posted By: Kawiguy454
Was Mr. Marsala's fist name by any chance "Chicken".

It may have been Val, or Veal maybe...
Originally Posted By: Miller88
I would always joke with people and tell them to run rm -rf /*

Didn't think anyone would do it.

format c: enter

and yes, they actually did it.
i was left with the headache of recovery.....
As a semiprofessional administrator working in a professional environment, the only thing I draw from this is he was probably fronting a professional hosting company while the whole infrastructure was a cobbled together mess.

Never in my life have I ever "mounted a filesystem" for the purposes of backing up data, except @ my house; even then I had enough foresight to create read only snapshots of the filesystems. Needlesstosay, doing software development on production data.... whaaaaaa? As indicated by some of the comments he received, not much sympathy because of the numerous common sense measures that he ignored.
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The linked article has since been updated to state that the whole thing was a hoax.

Originally Posted By: From the linked article
Update: Since this story was posted, Mr Marsala has claimed that his original post was a hoax and written as a marketing stunt, but that it had happened to a client of his in 2006. Contacted by The Independent, Mr Marsala said that the post was guerilla marketing for another, unnamed, company.
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