Take Heart

Dec 27, 2009
Your heart is an amazing organ. It continuously pumps oxygen and nutrient-rich blood throughout your body to sustain life. This fist-sized powerhouse beats 100,000 times per day, pumping five or six quarts of blood each minute, or about 2,000 gallons per day.

No smoking, no junk food if you can stop...
I eat lots of junk food and drink tons of soda and coffee and tea probably not the best for me but oh well I’m trying to cut back on sodas though but it’s so hard.
I eat lots of junk food and drink tons of soda and coffee and tea probably not the best for me but oh well I’m trying to cut back on sodas though but it’s so hard.
Good for you. Diabetes is what you need to be careful about and heredity.
Stress will kill you quick as well. Be kind to yourself for our sake 😇
Good for you. Diabetes is what you need to be careful about and heredity.
Stress will kill you quick as well. Be kind to yourself for our sake 😇
Thanks. Soda can be addicting and I’m trying to cut back on it trying to drink more water and do more in the shop when I can.
I'm a cautionary tale. Never smoke or drink or breathe bad chemicals. Wear safety goggles and hearing protection . a respirator if need be. Im 69 yrs old and take 3 heart pills and an inhaler. I have lost weight and feel lots better, but my lungs are shot and my cardiologist wants me to have a bypass to replace a clogged artery, Smaller vessels are doing OK, taking over, but it is all just a delaying action. I'm deaf, losing teeth and growing cataracts. I've had cancer and have tinnitus. Had I known that I would last this long...
Thanks. Soda can be addicting and I’m trying to cut back on it trying to drink more water and do more in the shop when I can.
I always hated drinking plain water so when I stopped drinking soda I had to use those flavor packs, the ones at wally aren't bad but the Crystal light lemon tea is what got me off soda pop. Been 6 years, now when I try to drink a regular soda it really tastes awful. I do like Diet Squirt but only use that for poor man margaritas.
I always hated drinking plain water so when I stopped drinking soda I had to use those flavor packs, the ones at wally aren't bad but the Crystal light lemon tea is what got me off soda pop. Been 6 years, now when I try to drink a regular soda it really tastes awful. I do like Diet Squirt but only use that for poor man margaritas.
Haha. I usually put lemon and lime in my water I don’t like just regular water especially in my area if you get it at a restaurant it taste terrible so I always get lemon and lime.